Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

If Biden chooses not to run, his replacement will probably be a younger, establishment candidate, some modern-day Hubert Humphrey. Do you really want Kamala Harris or Pete Butt, maybe both on the same ticket, running in 2024?

I guess you go with Gavin but those videos of people in California STEALING from Target are going to really rattle some nerves in the rest of America.

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At least allow a debate is all I’m saying. Let the people choose. Debates should be mandatory

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Have a debate if there is a serious opponent. Don’t have a debate if the alternative is someone like RFK Jr.

Or Marrianne Williamson? What if Cornel West switched from Green party to Dem? Why do you think Sanders isn’t running this time around?

Sanders isn’t running because he believes Joe Biden offers the best opportunity to defeat Republicans and preserve democracy. And he’s right.


Well it sure says something if Biden offers the best opportunity to defeat Trump and I sure hope we can fix that one day. I don’t believe it tho. There are better and possibly more popular candidates that the DNC won’t let run

The DNC doesn’t prevent anyone from running who really wants to and a truly capable and popular candidate can defeat the choice of the establishment or else Hilary Clinton would have been the nominee in 2008. The Democratic establishment has the power that it does because it actually has a base within the Democratic electorate and isn’t just propped up by corporate money. Not that it doesn’t benefit from that money, but these are not politicians who lack political skill.

lol at Obama not being part of the establishment


He absolutely is. But he was definitely not the establishment Democrat choice for nominee in 2008.


Also I imagine Bernie realizes he has no chance of beating Biden and doesn’t want to waste his time getting his ass kicked again.

Come to think of it does anyone actually think there is a candidate who could beat Biden in the Dem primary this go round? I actually don’t. I agree with cactus on a lot of what he is saying on this issue but in some ways it is a moot point when probably no one could beat him regardless.

Michelle Obama :relaxed:


Hot take?: Michelle Obama would do far worse in the general than Joe Biden would.


The country isn’t electing a woman. Let alone a black woman.

Kamala Harris wins pretty handily if Joe strokes out or whatever.

Strong 2015 vibes here


She doesn’t want it but she’s a stronger candidate than you think. She has the highest approval rating of any dem really (though obviously she hasn’t been scrutinized yet) and Biden’s support is starting to slip among black voters.

Would she win? idk, I’d have to dig into expected numbers of where she’d lose/gain vs him and all that but it’s moot as she’s not interested.

there had to have been a point where oprah had a real shot at it if she went for it

Harris probably can’t beat trump.