Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Anyone know how to factor in covid? I think it may have helped Biden because Republicans were being told to only vote in person, not by mail

Dems once again rolling the dice on an unwanted candidate in an election that quite literally decides the fate of democracy. What could go wrong?

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trump is campaigning while biden is stuck presidenting which is a big problem, trump is doing it smarter too this time around, just like going to small things and handing out pizzas I’m presuming he didn’t pay for but people eat that shit up.

there are no dem candidates that aren’t unwanted by some non insignificant group, they don’t have a charisma person

It has Trump +20 in young people.

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To save other people the time to check: this is real.


“book pimps”

Oh no. He lost Kayleigh?

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I was unfortunate enough to watch an episode of The Five with my stepmom and it was Gutfeld, some meathead with a WWF belt around his shoulder, and three women and the dialogue consisted of the men saying misogynistic stuff and the women laughing and agreeing that yes, we are really that flighty and stupid. Stepmom asked me what I thought and was disappointed with my reply. Maybe Fox figures if they can get women to have contempt for themselves they’ll let the on-air personalities shit on them and not be offended enough to change the channel.


Due to the advantages of incumbency, it is likely that there is no one Dems could run in 2024 who would have a better chance of winning than Biden.

You mean due to the advantages of a corporate owned DNC who will collude and use every weapon available (including the threat of another Trump presidency) to block any and all challengers

There are a ton of candidates who have a better chance of winning than Biden

I have more confidence in Biden winning in a general election than someone like Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, or Pete Buttigieg.

“block any and all challengers”

This is a false narrative, they couldn’t if they wanted (obama/trump/etc). The last early dem presidential debates had a few people where if the party could control who ran never would’ve been on that stage. It’s actually easier to get on the ballot now.

It’s incredibly difficult to primary a sitting potus, a few in the 1800s and maybe Truman might’ve lost if he didn’t drop out? Johnson 68?

none of those are the same rules as now

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Especially when you won’t even allow for challengers to debate them

Yeah with a president that hasn’t actively shit the bed, it’s just never ever ever going to happen. The incumbency advantage is enormous in a world where:

  1. People like stability and many are just happy to turn four boring years into eight
  2. There’s a shocking number of zero-info idiots that actually vote but who can barely (if at all) name anyone at any level of government other than the POTUS. There would literally be people going into election day saying “it’s Trump against some guy I’ve literally never heard of, guess I’ll vote for the one I know something about.”
  3. People are shallow and fickle and will get completely turned off on a candidate for any number of stupid reasons (he’s boring, he talks funny, he said that one dumb thing that one time, etc.). Just running someone that people were willing to elect already is huge in terms of avoiding that risk.
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fwiw this was after dean had finished 3rd in the iowa caucuses before NH. Seems overrated in hindsight though he had to win NH since he was from VT or it was officially dead in the water. After scream that died obviously but I don’t think he wins in the end anyway.


These back bench types tend to struggle once the slightest bit of scrutiny is trained on them.

Biden is clearly the best option.