Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

WW2… will obliterate everything there is, everyone… every country.

As bad as it was, it will be far worse than the history books record.



Yeah it’s this. They were all anti-trump until he won. Then they came around once they realized he had a stranglehold on the voters.

They would run down their own mothers in a cross walk if it meant staying in power.

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This is total and utter bullshit. You don’t get to train a pitbull to kill for years then complain when it bites you. Fuck them.

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It is bullshit when they do it, but people can do this and do do stuff like this all this time. Humans gonna human. Cognitive dissonance can be powerful.

I’ve seen people do this when nothing is at stake other than they just don’t want to deal with a bully.

I don’t either but that is why they get away with it.


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Imagine writing this fucking story and headline in 2023. Everyone involved should be fired and never allowed in journalism ever again.

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Raped someone on the way to work again oops

There are still thousands or millions of centrist types that are addicted to norms.

Anyone watch yesterday’s MTP? A friend thought Welker handled him well. I strongly disagree.

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Lmao she did not, rupar had a thread on it


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That Meet the Press interview was so bad

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How is this “big?” The man was caught red-handed stealing nuclear secrets, him scribbling notes on the back of classified shit is just par for the course at this point.


By thousands or millions you mean like 14 people and 12 of them work at CNN right?

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I’m just laughing at how hard intelligence safeguards secrets and trump was doing literally whatever and nobody was doing shit, so so so many people need to be fired for this but won’t.

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I said this a while ago. How is any of this even possible? The only conclusion I can come up with is that the president has way more power and deference than he/she ever should have