Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

If Biden did die in mid 2024, the stick with the status quo campaign from Harris would be fascinating to watch.


We got some unfinished business, ya’ll:


In a vacuum, it seems like DeSantis can’t win, but what if the field does not change and the competition remains Ramalamadingdong, Pence, Haley, Christie, etc. He can certainly win against that crowd.

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Empire Stakes is offering +1600 on RDS.

I think that’s a decent price, actually.

A ton of Americans are conditioned to think Republicans = Good For The Economy, full stop. I’ve heard many normal, non-deplorable Americans say stuff like the Dems have good social policies but they hurt the economy Because Taxes.


Trump follows with “I know that! …I don’t really know that.” Arguing he’s allowed to keep material the subpoena requires him to hand over.


With regards to Mittens claims that everyone in Washington secretly hating Trump, I still can’t believe these guys didn’t use Jan 6 to impeach him and be done with it. Such a no brainer. Trump wasn’t going to be spending his own grift money trying to primary incumbent Republicans. Most likely, in the aftermath, he just fucks off to play golf, tweet out vitriol and call into Fox News.


Also in that Kelly interview


Lol ok jackass. I’ll miss him a little when he’s gone.

they were afraid of his supporters and also for many that would’ve been the end of their re election plans many R voters are stand with the king or fuck yourself types.

Haven’t we seen tons of establishment republicans survive primary challenges from trump picked lunatics?

The argument for why they didn’t is in the book excerpt:

One Republican congressman confided to Romney that he wanted to vote for Trump’s second impeachment, but chose not to out of fear for his family’s safety. The congressman reasoned that Trump would be impeached by House Democrats with or without him—why put his wife and children at risk if it wouldn’t change the outcome? Later, during the Senate trial, Romney heard the same calculation while talking with a small group of Republican colleagues. When one senator, a member of leadership, said he was leaning toward voting to convict, the others urged him to reconsider. You can’t do that, Romney recalled someone saying. Think of your personal safety, said another. Think of your children. The senator eventually decided they were right.

I find this very believable and I think the fear of MAGA blowback is justifiable rather than paranoia. If it was just retribution from Trump that they had to look out for, I don’t think they would have balked. They all believe they are smarter than him and can outmaneuver him in conventional politics and the legal system.

But they know that enough of their constituents are crazies ready to snap that someone is going to break mentally. This isn’t some organized pro-Trump army; this is stochastic like radioactive decay where you can’t predict which particular individual will go nuts, just that someone will, given sufficient stimuli.

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They’re also cynical parasites who want to get re-elected. I find it hard to believe more don’t consider that before safety.

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It’s probably part of the calculation, but I think some Republican politicians are legitimately afraid of being killed by Trump supporters. I think there are enough Republicans who have beat back MAGA primary challengers that any Republicans who believe in their own political skill (and my guess is that most of them have egos that lead them to overestimate their abilities) probably think they could survive an election if it was really important to go against Trump, but I doubt any of them think they can survive an AR-15.

But let’s think about it this way. How should Democratic political strategy change if fear for their safety is the primary motive for a significant minority of Republicans in how they talk about J6? I don’t know the answer to that, but I think that scenario is within the range of plausibility, so I think it is worth considering.

I guess we know how to get things like medicare for all and gun reform now

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Repeating racism is still racism.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s posted in jest but it’s still a bad look that reminds me of the whole “Barack HUSSEIN Obama” stuff from 2008 that we should try to avoid as a group.

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A previous version of this story misspelled the first and last of the judge overseeing the case. Her name is Tanya Chutkan, not Tonya Chuktan.

Not good for Tonya Chuktan imo.

Grilling is it you?