Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Yup. Exactly this.

Heā€™s a good guy despite his politics.

We had an email back and forth once over Tucker Carlson. He tried a Gish Gallop, throwing out a whole bunch of crap and I just asked him to pick things one at a time and we could discuss it. He bailed pretty quick and I let it go.

On the drive up here Vivek came up and I asked him if he knew where he made all his money. I told him about Vivekā€™s pump and dump scheme and he replied that he had read that Vivek was forced to sell when he did because of some anti-woke book he wrote. He claimed that was from some source that was not Fox News.

I just said that source was probably getting itā€™s story directly from Vivek. It ended there.


Except I donā€™t get angry.

All his talking points are easily debunked, but heā€™ll never admit it and I donā€™t press it.

Not worth the effort.

The only time I got worked up was talking about the ā€œtrans issueā€ with my dad. He watched Fox News religiously and I told him how pissed I get when they lie to manufacture an issue for their culture wars.

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Heā€™s probably looking forward to you being sent to a reeducation camp.


Of course not. To win, youā€™re calm the whole time. The point is to induce them to rage quit. Heā€™s trying to do the same.

Thereā€™s no winning these discussions/debates.

Thatā€™s why I quit posting on Chiefsplanet. Their only counter is ad hominems. I switched to just trolling them but that got old.

Family is more important than winning the argument. Iā€™m not going to ruin Christmas over Trump.

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I think that was NBZā€™s point. A lot of the time, to win you have to be willing to do that.

well, trump only owns one suit and tie and desantis is a sweater vest guy type

My parentsā€™ best friends are like an aunt and uncle to me, closest thing that I have to family. Very Trumpy. Wonderful people in so many other ways. When they bring up politics, the way I play the game is to see how quickly / seamlessly I can switch the conversation.

Was this you?


Trump lost

Maybe Iā€™m the asshole, but I fail to see how anyone still supporting this ass clown at this late stage isnā€™t either an idiot or bigoted POS. But I guess you can be blissfully stupid or unaware and still be a wonderful person. I genuinely look for ways to give people the benefit of the doubt, but canā€™t


Itā€™s basic psychology. Itā€™s totally mundane for people to be tribalist, and immovable from related beliefs, when the tribe is family, political or religious. Given MAGA is all three these peopleā€™s entrenchment is totally standard. The weird thing would be if they easily changed their minds.

He was closer than I was. I was one section over and 10 rows down.

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I donā€™t mind talking politics if they bring it up. But it quickly devolves into whataboutisms and doesnā€™t stay on topic.

Yeah, I tend to share this opinion. Itā€™s just mind-blowing to me that this obvious moron/asshole has as much support as he has. And the more dignified Republicans are reviled. It wasnā€™t long ago that George W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney were the darlings of the party. Now they are the most-hated among Republicans. And they didnā€™t change. I guess you could say something similar about Hillary, but I donā€™t think she gets as much internal hatred as the three Republicans I mentioned. I donā€™t get it. Itā€™s like the entire Republican electorate went off the deep end all at once.

not that hard

how many people are just like him

how many people simply just hate the other side so it doesnā€™t matter who their guy is, also he makes that other side mad (well the fools on that side who actually listen to him)

Republican voters are anti-establishmentarians who are mad at the gatekeepers who prevented them from taking control of the party for so long. Unlike the left anti-establishmentarians in the Democratic Party, they have the numbers to do something about it.

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I think there are still plenty of well-intentioned people who see Trump as a mechanism for a greater good.

Iā€™m nitting it up for the sake of chatting with you, but!

Are those bad people? Not to me. Dangerous, yes, but not bad in the way I would reserve use of the word.

Are they idiots? Well, again it depends on what you mean by the word. Iā€™d def qualify a few people as idiots despite them being unparalleled public speakers or accomplished thinkers in their fields.

I used to add instant credibility to someone if they could discuss a topic with internal consistency and outward complexity. Thatā€™s a hard thing to do, especially for a lot of Bible thumpers like me and my kin from Mississippi. Then I started to listen past the buzz words and Intellect Signaling.

The first time I listened to Ben Shapiro on Joe Roganā€™s podcastā€“talking about trans issues!ā€“I thought he sounded like a smart guy. But now heā€™s sort of like a snake oil salesman. Doesnā€™t really matter to me if he is aware of how silly he sounds or is just so misinformed that thereā€™s no way for me to have a productive dialogue with him.