Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

You love to see it

Without their methodology laid out I get a bit confused here. For example, Boris Epshteyn was a 20Y/1N vote on indictment, and wasn’t indicted, so is he probably cooperating? Mike Flynn same thing.



Either that’s photoshopped or Trump is buying 42" inseam pants

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I think the penis kind of betrays it.


lmao the tweet i guess i saw was talking about the pants and i didn’t even notice the dong


Is Mike Lee even in this thing?

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No but Kelly Loeffler is.

I live in Utah. I deserve more.

Meadows removal denied!

Case terminated.

Here’s the 47 page opinion. I ain’t reading it.

U.S. District Court Judge Steve Jones’ decision is a win for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who said he would not “turn a blind eye to express constitutional power granted to the States to determine their election procedures.”

The judge added that assuming jurisdiction over the case would also flout “federal statutory and regulatory limitations on political activities of executive branch officials.”


This means it’s state court for Trump 95% of the time.

Looks like the remand is not appealable, but it’s at least a little complicated. Removal, Remand, and Appeal: A Weedy Issue of Orders, Statutory Language, and Jurisdiction Under SCOTUS Review | MG+M | Litigation Nationwide



Could it be that they just didnt want to have 40 people at the trial?

Does simply just peddling election bullshit amount to warranting charges is a good question that it sounds like the prosecutor thought not. There’s an old comment that a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.

as noted, one trumpian and he gets away with whatever he did

The Orange Dipshit made an appearance at the Iowa - Iowa State game. He was in a suite about 75 feet behind me and over a section. No announcement but people reacted when he stepped up to the glass.

Before the game a couple of planes towed “Where’s Melania?” banners.

In the third quarter, Rhonda Santis walked out with Iowa gov Reynolds. Barely any reaction from the crowd.


they all were there apparently

trump went to a frat house of course

of course she’s blonde, well technically he did that one time

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My sister asked me to flip him off, so I obliged.

I tried to get a “Lock him up!” chant going, but was unsuccessful.

My Trumpy BIL asked me, “Who, Biden?”

Me - “If you actually have evidence of crimes he committed, sure.”

I’m debating if I want to broach this topic on the drive back to KC tomorrow.

Edit: And what is it with their wardrobes. Trump always wears the same suit and tie, and DeSantis in his stupid sweater vest.

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These people don’t argue in good faith, so the win condition is being the one who makes your opponent get angry and quit. That’s how someone like your BIL will argue with you. The question is whether you can win under those terms of engagement and whether winning will be a Pyrrhic victory that affects your family. Is he an otherwise good guy with shit politics who is a decent husband (and possibly father) or would you be happy if you could argue vociferously enough to induce a divorce and never see him again?

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