Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Obviously not written by Trump as he has never written nor likely heard the word “consternation” in his life


Never Surrender


Executive privilege!

Arguably, all Navarro needed was for Trump to write a letter saying he invoked executive privilege, but Trump didn’t bother, so the judge said Navarro couldn’t raise it as a defense. (Navarro still would have needed to show up and assert the privilege. It’s fucking hilarious how these tools think this “one weird trick” will set them free–it’s the air that sustains Trump–but when you show up to a court it’s always a bit more complicated.)

I guess he’s got 30 days to file for this after arraignment and he’s going to wait until the last minute. A lot of these legal/trial maneuvering stories coming out seem to get play in the media as problems for Trump, like look at what he has to deal with now that he’s in the system, he’s having a hard time etc. All the pessimist in me sees is the endless opportunities to clog things up and delay, delay, delay

Min 30 days. What was the prosecutor offering if he pleaded guilty? Probation? Fine? Peter sure hustled the shit out of him.

The world is truly unknowable.

I love the Trump times. You make shit up, claim it’s all rigged for years, and seek to avoid an actual determination. When the conclusion comes, welp.

“Consternation”? Also I like the misogynistic use of nervous.

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Be still, my heart.
Give out, his heart.


Who are these people paying 100k to keep Giuliani out of jail? What are they getting in return? I sort of understand being all-in on Trump and hoping he becomes president again but what is Giuliani going to do for you.

A couple of possibilities. One is stupid rich people living in a bubble. Don’t forget that a lot of rich people are actually dumb. Another possibility is some sort of money laundering scheme, this is always on the table when people are moving large sums of money around for no apparent benefit.


That makes him even more relatable to the working class which has been captured by Republicans. -CNN


Does anybody ever Tweet through one of these dinners? Really want to see what the food is like. I am imagining a really bad wedding type meal. Chicken breast and limp carrots or some such.


GA special grand jury voted to recommend charges against Lindsey Graham and David Perdue



I would like to see how he would state his net worth if we had a wealth tax.



Looks like there’s one “no” dude on the grand jury for almost everything. The Graham vote was reasonably close at 13-7.


here’s a useful comment from Reddit:

Well, you can see that Hail Mary Donald Trump is hoping for. 20 Yes, 1 No. And you go down the list, there’s 1 No for almost everyone who ended up indicted. Seems quite likely that it was the same person who stalwartly refused to leave the cult.

Where’s that goofy jury forewoman who gave the interview? Let’s get her back on TV to confirm it was the same person.

Also an interesting note. Special Grand Jury was 18-0, 18-1, 20-1, and on indicting Cleta Mitchell, who was not actually indicted. So she’s almost certainly flipped.