Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

“oh absolutely i would testify. one hundred percent. i would love to testify because i’m so innocent. the problem is my lawyers, who i don’t like very much by the way, i think they’re handling my case very poorly and i may have to replace them, they’re saying legally i can’t because i’m the president and if they put me under oath they could force me to reveal a lot of secrets which frankly would be very illegal to do so and it’ll be the judge’s problem not mine but the lawyers are saying that i just won’t be able to do it. thank you!”

Trump Will Testify in his own Defense in any Criminal Trial
  • YES
  • LOL NO

0 voters

he’s gotta do it, think of the TV ratings


He’d want to pull an Alex Jones and make a mockery of it by testifying but no way his lawyers allow that.

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I doubt it but I really want him to.

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Way too coherent. You gotta throw in a few organic windmill references and somehow transition to talking about refrigerators in a way that feels relevant but absolutely is not.


We could watch Trump fire a new lawyer every week.

Who will make the cut to defend Trump at trial?? :popcorn:


Trump appearing in pro se, that is, representing himself, works for me.

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Tarrio took some of his 40s away from himself!


Lawyer: “boys, if you roll this dice, 17% of the time you’ll shave 1-2 years off your sentence at trial. 83% of the time, you’ll more than double the years of your sentence at trial. Do NOT roll this dice.”

Proud Boys: [wearing backward hats and wraparound Oakleys, sipping on White Claws] “roll that motherfucker!!”


They gotta be planning on trump pardon im sure to make that call right or just too proud to plead?

Unfortunately the line you crossed was very real, Mr. Trump.



Proud Boys: Ive played BG3. I nail 17s on the reg.

Btw, whats my Charisma modifier? What do you mean -10?


No surprise

Club Fed just got it’s newest batch of Trustees.

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Seems fairly obvious they are rolling for January 20 2025 pardons

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Well that’s not nice