Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It’s absurd to see someone who has consistently encouraged and fantasized about political violence that he likes wring his hands about political violence he doesn’t like.

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I don’t believe in violence for the sake of violence. Violence should be a last resort. If I ever advocate violence, it’s because I don’t see any other option. It’s frustrating because people don’t seem to share my pessimism and sense of urgency.

Get out there and start making moves

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I’m still working on my manifesto. I’ll make sure to mention you.

Do me a favor and leave me out of your edgelord fantasy larping.


I kinda like the idea of NBZ writing this up and each mention of Keed gets an extra ‘e’, so by the end it’s something like ‘keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed’


Keep that attitude up and I might give you top billing on the dedication page.

NBZ far too likely to be right here unfortunately

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she caught herself quickly but trump is who he is and that’s why he should get away with everything shouldn’t be a defense but I don’t know law.


As with everything Trump, I see standing pat on his intimations of violence as bluff calls. For the past 8 years he’s been table captain and robbing everyone, and now he can’t even ante without being called and losing. If you hated the bad guy during act 1 and 2, you should enjoy every minute of this act, and not worry he’ll escape at the finale. Dude is already looking like the black knight in Monty Python after losing two arms. The more he jabbers and threatens and whines now, the more entertaining it is.

While many of his supporters don’t get the joke or are grifting the remaining dregs, Trump pushed things too far and is now dealing with the consequences. He should have been happy with his exile in Elba.


Pretty skilled mixing of references there.


He has affluenza


and effluenza.

Don’t they have to wait until there is a ballot with him on it? Also, if randoms are going to be the ones bringing the lawsuit, isn’t that bad if they do a bad job of arguing the case?

pepe glasses 80px

6’3" 215 pounds and as well as his eldest son can remember, he has a terrifyingly monstrous dong


And this board is mostly populated by the “political violence is never the answer” types

But they don’t wag the finger if it’s for their extemely narrow and dweeby band of neoliberalism here and USAian hegemony abroad

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Is there a term for Oedipus complex but you want to bone your dad instead of your mom? That’s what Jr. has.
