Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


Unhappy with Trump? Blame voters. Unhappy with the OJ verdict? Blame the jury. In a democracy, people get the government they deserve. Iā€™m very much open to alternatives but am not aware of any that are viable.

Oh damn OJ went to prison because he didnā€™t pay the Goldmans and just golfed all the time? I had no idea.

This discussion makes me think a bit about Mar-a-Lago. FL famously has/had an unlimited homestead exemption from bankruptcy. So, you can be bankrupt and live in a $20M home and creditors canā€™t touch it. (I think the homestead cap in most states is closer to $500k).

But, how to you pay for upkeep and such on a big fancy place and support your lavish lifestyle when bankrupt? Well, you turn your lavish homestead into a club and live off the revenue. In the early 2000s, before the apprentice, the Trump money train was very rapidly running out of steam, because Trump sucks at business. So, perhaps the smartest idea Trump ever had was to have a viable plan with Mar-a-Logo to live a cushy life even if he were dead broke.

Basically every other democracy has better political and legal systems. The US is the nut low in almost every aspect.


Iā€™m down for a new constitutional convention. Not an easy thing to do, however.

Any system that can result in Trump being elected president has fundamental flaws. But are those flaws with the system or with the materials out of which it is constructed (ie, people)?

I am awaiting real AI (50 years?), which will hopefully run things for us primates, who will by then be biologically and neurally enhanced. Hopefully everyone will enjoy their super duper advanced MMO games or whatever.

A few off the top of head

  1. electing judges
  2. lifetime appointment
  3. your bail system
  4. police immunity
  5. your underfunded public legal system
  6. mandatory minimums
  7. religious fidelity to the constitution
  8. states rights

Itā€™s actually hard to think of a part of the US legal system that is best in class.


Az Im pretty sure

The government should start garnishing his wages, but its going to take time. He is going to do everything he can to hide his money

donā€™t know what can still be garnished wage wise from jones, he has his own thing going on unless he still has some syndicated things. I thought most of his money was from those lol supplements he was peddling.

some states thereā€™s still a lot of hoops to even get the money and various stuff that you canā€™t touch, but obviously idk where jones is or care

AZ/GA were still not enough to get to 270.

What else was close? I think the original idea was PA, but the morons on his team werent considering he would lose that one by almost 150K by the time all was said and done.

That difference wouldnā€™t have mattered if it was just them that could flip it. It was too many people needed in too short of a time.

The Georgia indictment says there were election interference activities in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Yesterday I learned that sylvania means forest. YW.


I didnā€™t know that, which language? Dutch? Latin?

Latin. Info from Adam Ragusea fwiw. Trans means on the other side, cis means on the same side. So Trans-Jordan means on the other side of the Jordan river, Cis-Jordan means on the same side of the river. From the perspective of the Romans, ofc.

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Cissyvania sucks



Selective service imo. You might have to draw from a pool of lawyers for judges, but random drawings of citizens would work way better for Congress people and even president. Maybe draw and then let voters elect from the pool. I donā€™t see how that could be any worse than what we have now