Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I’ve got nothing. Limbo? That doesn’t work because it’s already something else.Maybe we should go back and watch ‘Legally Blonde’ and see if we missing something buried in that script…

Barney Stinson has a suggestion but we will leave that one out.

Seriously how about lawpros? Lawfolk? Lawpals?

Mr President, I don’t think you’re very rich. I think you might be rich in Idaho but in New York you’re doing fine.

Trump is the only person that still watches Who Wants to Be a Millionaires? and thinks, “Me!”


I don’t know if there is a perfect female equivalent to lawbro. I guess lawyers works for serious stuff. Law peeps or law folks seem ok, but don’t seem to capture the “lol law” vibe that sometimes comes with law bro. r Also, tbh, I hear dude and bro used in gender neutral ways so often that I kinda don’t necessarily think of them as exclusionary terms (totally get why others do, though).


This where I’m at. I never mean them that way, but if called out I really have no defense.

John Eastman thinks he’s off the record ?


Let’s get extra inclusive and call them lawxers. You can be non binary AND a huge legal asshole :grinning:


Alex Jones has not and will not ever pay one dollar of his case right?

Is this the ultimate LOL LAW? How can a lawyer be this dumb?

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He had his fingers crossed behind his back, so it doesn’t count

I mean if he lives in a place or dives a car, etc they can and will take it. If he has a bank account they can tap it. Do you think the law has no teeth?

He doesn’t have to willingly hand over money. They can sell his studio and equipment at auction.

When will this happen?

The famous $1 billion+ case was decided over 9 months ago and he still seems to be doing his radio show.

Hes still abusing the bankruptcy system. After that he will abuse the appeals sysyem. It will take time but he will run out of things to abuse

And then what?

Not trolling; serious question.

I assume that by the end of it he’s not going to be living in a homeless encampment.

looks to me like often the answer for out of state (if it’s not federal) is nothing other than another case against them, that’ll show em

well not “nothing” but little

Trump wanted Georgia so bad but he still wouldn’t have had 270 votes… what was their next plan?

Yes. A quick search shows dozens of articles about his “bankruptcy” still getting paid hundreds of thousands himself, paying family, and hiding assets

I doubt the sandy hook families ever see 1/100 of the money.

Move on to Michigan.

if it was one state difference some R legislature would’ve gone for it

From the NY Times two weeks ago:

Lawyers for the Sandy Hook families who won historic defamation damages against the Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones told a federal bankruptcy judge in Houston on Tuesday that Mr. Jones should not be allowed to use his Chapter 11 filing to evade $1 billion-plus verdicts made against him.

The families asked that the judge, Christopher Lopez, order Mr. Jones to pay them the full damage awards, with no possibility of a trial or a forced settlement over a lesser amount — in legal terminology, to make Mr. Jones’s debts to the families “non-dischargeable” through bankruptcy. If the judge rules in the families’ favor, Mr. Jones would likely be working the rest of his life to pay the debt.

Much of the hearing focused on whether Mr. Jones acted with “willful and malicious” intent in spreading lies about the families. In bankruptcy law, debts incurred through actions that are deemed “willful and malicious” are exempt from the protections for debtors through the courts.

“His target is the deep state,” not the families, Mr. Davis told the judge, adding that Mr. Jones was raising questions about the official narrative of a national tragedy, as he has for other events. So while he was “reckless,” Mr. Davis said, “the idea that he had a willful and malicious intent is in substantial and factual dispute.”

Judge Lopez did not say when he would rule. The bankruptcy case has dragged on for eight months, putting on hold a third and final damages trial in a defamation suit filed by Ms. De La Rosa and Leonard Pozner, the father of Noah Pozner. They will take part in a potential settlement with Mr. Jones regardless of whether the damages trial takes place, through an agreement approved by the bankruptcy court.

People get their “day in court”, and often have the ability to appeal, but it ultimately ends. Just ask Bernie Madoff or any other resident of the world’s largest incarceration system. Money can buy a lot of process, but FAFO is a real thing.