Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

WE WILL NOT COMPLY trending and I wondered why. It’s a video message rant on COVID and mask mandates and such. Not that it matters but he flubs the punchline.

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Il Donaldo Trumpo is a great nickname




Laying the groundwork 15 months out for 2024 being rigged when you are under multiple indictments for trying to overthrow the previous election is some bold shit. You have to give him that at least.

I’ve seen nutjobs ranting about looming lockdowns on social media the last couple of months. Does anyone really think that’s going to happen? At least in USA #1 we didn’t exactly lockdown the first time really anyways.

Ah well, nevertheless!

So Rudy is absolutely turbo fucked and guaranteed bankruptcy right?

If I were Rudy I’d drink too.

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Right? If I had married and fucked my cousin, I’d drink at least as much as Rudy Cousinfucker Giuliani

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Pretty much. Even if he has clear assets, which I doubt, I’d expect he’ll owe a few million in the Freeman case, and he still needs to pay lawyers in that case, his criminal case, his assistants case, his divorce case, and probably others.

You can spout bullshit for years with Fox News as a megaphone, but when the heard senses weakness it will stampede after you with vengeance in mind.

Ask Alex Jones what that looks like.

Well as soon as ol’ Donny Trump settles his tab Rudy’ll be right as rain.




The former president was asked by Kevin Wallace, a senior lawyer in Ms. James’s office, about his relationship to his company. He said that he was not the final decision maker, though he later suggested he might be involved in “something major, final decisions, whatever.”

MR. TRUMP: I’ve had people say, if you ever sell Mar-a-Lago, please call me. That’s not for sale.

MR. WALLACE: Who, for example, has told you that?

MR. TRUMP: Well, I rather not say because I don’t want to embarrass them, and I may be putting some of these people on the stand.

Later in the session, Mr. Trump said while he didn’t know who the specific people were who had made such offers, “I know they’re very rich people.”


I think I’d drop “lawbros” from your vocabulary when making a genuine request for expert knowledge. It isn’t an ironic request, so it just sounds like you are asking for male expertise.


Not that it’s germane here, after Donny and crew are locked up there needs to be a discussion about the cost of defending oneself in criminal trials and civil trials. Here’s an article about a recent outrageous civil case. Data bloggers uncover falsified data. The researcher is now suing them.

This is a huge topic and I’m lazy, but every time I hear about Rudy being wrecked, I’m like he has it coming, but the financial dimension of law in USA#1 is just another reason why its a shithole country.


When he chose not to push the button?

When I got busted for having a little something something on me, my legal bill was in the thousands. I can’t imagine what some of these fake electors and minor J6 and document actors are going to have to come up with. Next to medical bills, I would think legal is the next biggest expense that can bankrupt someone. I know Donnie gets a constant flow from his fans, but I still can’t figure out where everyone else is getting the $$. That’s got to be a little FO for them even if they get off

Edit: Embarrassed to say I just now realized my white privilege in this post. Many people of course, don’t go bankrupt over legal bills. They just spent years in a cement cell


Don’t be embarrassed, poor white people get fucked slightly less than poor people of color.

What’s the feminine version of lawbro?


I don’t think there is one, which makes even the joke version of “lawbro,” “techbro,” and so on pretty sexist.

I’ve heard -gal and -broette. I don’t think those are great either.

Never heard -sis, which has a certain logic to it, but sounds weird. Also awkward to pluralize.