Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Oh yea, I’ve been to ESP several times. It’s a very interesting place to walk around. That was not my aunts prison, although the outsides looked similar. Edited my previous post for clarity.

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Had to sweet talk a friend of mine out of a police station in Manila at the height of Duterte’s drug war after he was framed for street meth.

I love telling this story. Mrs Rugby on the other hand, who was pulled into a side room and told “Ma’am. It’s not about that. We are supposed to shoot them now” thinks I’m a stupid fucking foreigner who nearly got her killed and enjoys my story telling not at all.


I know you all know this, but its so completely fucked that “make all the prison wings safe” isn’t the solution to this “problem” instead of a bunch of problematic questioning.

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Based solely on this info, I think I’d have to take the Mrs’ side here.

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Is ash safe

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Oh. Without a doubt.



I lived in Davao for about a year when he was the mayor. I remember people telling me about the death squads.

The Georgia grand juror is dead wrong. Tens of millions of people are pro-Trump no matter what.


Assuming the juror was not implying exoneration :grin:


Weird way going about it.

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There are jokes on ever level of this trial

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Yeah right, what the American people are lacking is evidence Trump is a bad person who commits crimes left and right. What a shame it’s been kept so secret /s


Of course it would. There is nothing in the indictments that will change one MAGA mind.

They help him not hurt him with his base.

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I don’t think of myself as a particularly paranoid or frightened person, but if I was on that grand jury I would be keeping the lowest profile imaginable. Is there any indication that this quote is real at all?

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Yup. SSC looks like she got herself on a GA grand jury.


I had to go to a local prison to do something for a background check for some reason years ago. Part of the process involved putting my belongings in a locker and then going through a metal detector. A big, muscular guy followed me through and the detector beeped. He told the officer manning the area, “Oh, that’s just my gun,” and she let him through.

I was thinking, “Um…what?” as the two of us walked down the hallway. My nerves were eased when I found out he was a cop.

Didn’t really see much of anything - was able to spot the visiting area with the phones, but nobody was there.