Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


I’ve heard of some ridiculous gatekeeping but wow.

Unfortunately there’s an unobtainable “gold star” version of everything except people of Scotland.

Today, some straight inmates vie to get placed in MCJ’s gay wing, in part because it’s a safer harbor for ex-gangbangers afraid of being confronted by violent enemies, jailers say. The Sheriff’s Department even uses a “classification officer” to weed out impostors, through a series of controversial test questions about gay culture.

Deputy Sheriff Javier Machado, a classification officer, relies on a series of go-to questions, such as asking purportedly gay inmates to name a local gay bar they frequent. If an incoming inmate manages to correctly name a gay bar in L.A., Machado immediately asks tougher follow-up questions, such as, “What’s the cover charge?”

According to the gay inmates, another reason some straight men try to get into K6G is that they want to hook up with often-pretty transgender detainees.

But a major reason, almost certainly, is that the gay wing is a far less dangerous, more humane place to be. Unlike the angry, racially polarized culture of Men’s Central Jail, in K6G many of the inmates help one another face their days, and sometimes their years, together.


This reminds me of when I was in college and I volunteered to give a simultaneous chess exhibition at a nearby maximum security prison. I was a little unnerved when the staff librarian and a CO left me alone with a handful of inmates before we went to the function room.

The exhibition went off without a hitch. I played maybe 12-15 players, and I lost only one game, after losing a piece on the 5th move(!?). When I reconstructed the game at the end of the exhibition, I realized that he made an extra move when I was away from the board. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nonetheless, based on my interactions with both the inmates and COs, I definitely thought the COs were worse people than the inmates.




One time I got a DUI at like 9:30 PM, got processed and booked, then was walked out the front door of the jail because my dad was the mental health director and a CO recognized my last name.

I still made it back out for last call.

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holding cell in a police station…does that count?

When I was arrested, I got a purple wristband. The vets in there were slapping me on the back and telling me good job, as it represented a felony, not a red misdemeanor lame wrist band.

Also got told that I want to be processed and go to the fourth floor where they have TVs and vcrs.

Not counting closed places like Alcatraz. Nor my first marriage.

When I was 18 I was walking home drunk with a couple of friends when a police car pulled up. Apparently we “matched the description” of a group who were “suspected of being involved in potential criminal activity” so they announced that they would be performing a “stop and search” on us. I was studying A Level law and believed myself to be some sort of Good Will Hunting / Perry Mason hybrid, so naturally I pointed out that the police could not detain us without arresting us and demanded that they either put up or shut up.

“Ok then dickhead, drunk and disorderly and public nuisance.”

I totally deserved my night in the cells.


Well I hope you learned your lesson.

Yes and no. Waiting on the wavefunction to collapse.


The cop deserved at night in the cooler, that stop-n-frisk BS doesn’t sound cool or legal at all.


Sadly, it was and remains completely legal in UK

Worked in a prison ward of a hospital.

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Trump would definitely angle for the gay/trans wing.

Where else inside could he wax rhapsodic about Cats?

Mad this isn’t public


He’s got a lot in common with them. He loves balls (galas)

MrTrump is known to be a fan of broadway musicals that debuted during his own heyday as a developer and tabloid icon in the 1980s.

According to multiple reports, White House aides would often summon aide Max Miller to play Mr Trump Reagan-era showtunes — including the Cats showstopper “Memory” when the then-president was becoming upset.

Mr Trump’s love of Broadway songs also extends to the playlist which can be heard before his political rallies. Among the songs which rallygoers can hear while they await the former president are two selections from Phantom : “All I Ask of You” and the musical’s title track “The Phantom of the Opera”.

he is at his best when he’s queen’ing it up

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My pearls


Trump might be a little too flamboyant for the gay/trans wing tho.