Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Eh, it was a speculative hypothetical in response to mosdef’s speculative hypothetical, don’t read too much into it being a real possibility.

I guess if it were to be an actual thing, it would go something like: Various trials drag out close to election, all look bad for Trump–>Democratic leadership gets their panties in a bunch about the horrible precedent of throwing him in jail, the possibilities of violence, etc.–>Biden leans on Garland who leans on Jack Smith to offer Trump a plea deal that gets him probation or less, but he has to fuck off from politics forever.

@Cactus I would take Trump to not spend a full night in jail or prison prior to the 2024 elections if you want. That includes bail revocation, etc. Something small for funsies like $100.

Commentary from the “libertarian” Cato Institute.

One last point. These three dynamics are not isolated and discrete; instead, they’re dynamic and mutually reinforcing. Being an inveterate liar is a major liability in litigation. So is being openly disdainful of the entire process. And so is complexity. But put all three of those together at the same time for the same defendant, and his goose is cooked. So you can put a fork in Donald Trump—he’s done.


What happens when you yell at the only person willing to do the job


That’s a good bet too. I’m definitely not on the side of pundits insisting he’s close to landing himself in jail any day now. I think all judges will be very reluctant to detain him for contempt or violating court orders. But then, I also think there’s a non zero chance he gets tried, convicted, and sentenced before the election. I’m gonna have to think about this one too and lyk

These are tough bets imo. Much tougher than he’ll never get indicted for anything or even convicted. I always said jail is a different story, although I’m liking the chances more and more

Sorry for being unclear. I was trying to ask how this deal would work. How it would(n’t) be enforced


You’re unfamiliar with Clovis’ oeuvre?

The fact you dislike me strongly reinforces I’m likely correct.



Rudy flippin


And lyin’

His name is all over that Georgia indictment. It’s not like he didn’t do actual work for Trump. And Trump stiffed him. He damn well should flip.

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You’ve been wrong at every turn, but keep patting yourself on the back: the Canadian Way!

pay me to go to jail for you? what is his game here? he’s 79 years old


You really need to up your game.

Maybe tie in a story you read on twitter or watched on your youtubez.

Maybe say Clovis is an alt account of a semi obscure twitter conservative.

You use to be way better at this!

You tied in the country he lives in, nicely done

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Little Teeny Tiny Domino:

Biiiiiig Domino:

Another source told CNN that Trump only agreed to cover a small fee from a data vendor hosting Giuliani’s records. And months later, Trump’s Saveu America PAC paid $340,000 to that vendor, Trustpoint, federal campaign filings show. CNN has now confirmed the payment was intended to settle Giuliani’s outstanding bill with the company.

no WAY rudy feels safer on the inside lol

“You can quote me to say, ‘They’re f------ thrilled,’” Richman said Wednesday.

“I don’t want to say the language, but they really ripped Rudy a new a------.”

Richman noted that “half of these guys love Trump. They freaking love Trump.” :vince1:

“But all of them are almost unified in their position of hating f------ Rudy,” :vince3:


Rudy definitely has a Hitler pill lodged somewhere in his exoskeleton in the event he is sent to prison. I agree he won’t do a day.