Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Trump can’t live anywhere but America and can’t any lifestyle but a fat rich guy on a golf course

I’m seeing multiple articles on mainstream media saying that it is impossible to have a trial 19 defendants.

She’ll never have to try all 19 together. RICO is designed to flip low level grunts

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Have you finalized with any takers yet? My only concern would be death or some physical malady that requires hospitilazion or otherwise prevents what you would call normal incarceration conditions. The dude is old af after all

Anyway, those are the only outs I would require. You can have acquittal, house arrest, and fleeing the country. I want to bet on the justice system. Not how long an old person can survive on big macs, no sleep, and no exercise


I’ve seen a few recent photos of him out there and he’s been working up a sweat. Fuckin guy is way out of shape and almost 80.

Then again, maybe stress doesn’t hurt Trump the way it hurts everyone else. Every president before/after photos show they aged considerably faster, like they went into a time portal and aged super fast in a short time. Trump tho, he looked exactly the same after he was done and he must have had the most high-stress experience of any president. Every night he was going nuts that he was being investigated and was stressing out that he’ll be found out


Also he did way less work than any recent President.


Yeah the only work he did was run scams and organize crimes


OK, no wager if he dies (which would win me another bet I’ve already made!). My concern about illness is that the judge gives him house arrest and says it’s due to his physical condition or something, I’d still want that to be a win for me. If he’s put into a secure/prison medical facility that would be a win for you. I’m not sure if that leaves any gray areas.

Trump and his lawyers are going to claim in court that he’s mentally deficient and a pathological liar and he can’t discern what’s real. And then 80 million people vote for him


No different than his being a tax cheat, to his base. “That’s what makes him smart!!”

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This might actually be the best tweet reply of all time.


Whole lot of proclamations and bold analysis ITT today, that is obviously just pulled straight from each poster’s ass, and/or is just fanfiction

Is this how y’all have always posted, but it just wasn’t as obvious to me?

S tier burn

How would this work?

We can get to “why would people react to this how you say they’d react” later


Day before tho

43 yr old woman texas

“PsyOp, false flag, who calls somebody slave”


This is acceptable to me, but what kind of time frame are we talking about? I (think?) it was you who said you’re not interested in a long term bet. I’ll wager conviction before the 2024 election, but I’m afraid the appeal process could take a while. How long you willing to give?

Edit: Nmd I just saw you said 12/31/24. Wow that’s a good line. Let me think on that for just a bit and I’ll lyk.

2nd Edit: It’s a really good line. I’m not sure they can get thru the appeal process by then. If any one of them could, it would be the DoJ J6 indictment and that’s only because it’s a good judge and I don’t think the trial itself will take long