Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I like LFS’s side of this bet, and I’m willing to take action that he can’t book.

As we’ve already discussed in the past, I’m good with death provisions, but “some physical malady that requires hospitilazion or otherwise prevents what you would call normal incarceration conditions” is not gonna work for me. I’m sure if it gets down to it, his lawyers are going to absolutely argue that he is too infirm to be imprisoned and Dr. Ronnie Jackson will be happy to testify to that. He is very live to weasel out of it that way.

I made a Sankey chart of the charges. Pretty cool. I need to play with it a little more.


It’s a good point and I don’t think you’re wrong. I’m sure they’ll do everything they can to make it easy on him. I just think there’s a legit chance a 78 yo has a stroke, cardiac event, or develops some other malady too. Especially, since he seems to almost need dementia care now

It’s possible, but Trump being TOO WEAK to go to prison would kill his brand.

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IANAL, but I think it’s settled law that you can’t bargain away your basic civil rights like you can’t sign away your right to vote so I don’t think there’s a legal way Trump could give up his right to run for office. I think the 5-4 podcast had a discussion abou tthis.

Faking cancer to delay his prison sentence makes him smart!



And yet, his personal COVID performance underscored how important the appearance of vitality is to him.

It is fascinating to watch this unfold. On one side you have “people who know shit” and on the other are the underpants gnome crew. Hard to say what happens.

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Something something pony

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So the government accidentally made their names public? How much is that lawsuit going to cost?

At this point the last person to receive money from Trump for anything might have actually been

Stormy Daniels


But under state law, the identities of the jurors are not secret. In fact, the names of the Fulton County jurors are listed on Page 9 of the 98-page indictment released late Monday that criminally charges former president Donald Trump and 18 others.

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Dunno what you mean, just a few years ago he was the healthiest president in history.

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You could perhaps get him to stipulate that he violated the 14th amendment, which by implication would prevent him from running for office.



What a miserable existence… staying home, crushing beers and watching the news until it froths her up into a lather to make phone calls like that.

Hopefully 30 days sober in jail will change her motivation for wanting to get help when she gets out.


Yeah, kinda feel sorry for her, but this is what Fox News and other right wing media helps to create. And it’s also why Trump ran against “the media” (ie, not right wing) because normal media gives people a different perspective.

That said, I’m kinda missing Tucker’s tears in this whole thing.

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Speaking of which.


Further discussion of how Trump might benefit from moving the Georgia case to federal court
