Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition



I don’t think courts care about what you think, they care about what you know. If you know the drugs didn’t work but sold them anyway that’s fraud. If you didn’t know they didn’t work that may be something else, negligence maybe? Anyway, IANAL so I’ll let the lawyers step in.

Glad I am not alone in the no category but interesting the two leaders are 0% and more than 50%.


Being forced to sit thru weeks, if not months, of logical thought and being hammered over the head with mountains of evidence that overwhelmingly disprove one’s notion of a messiah, is a perfect deprogramming method for a MAGAt

I don’t think people realize how difficult it is to buck a roomful of others, each who reaches their final verdict with strong conviction

Federal Election Commission records and testimony from the House January 6 select committee hearings reveal that none of the private sector lawyers identified – but not indicted – in that case got paid for their post-election work: Not Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro or John Eastman.

Get fucked, traitors



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Rudy going down is for sure my second most desired outcome. It’s a joy watching him suffer.


At least for the federal charges, it’s going to be hard to find enough MAGA chuds on a DC jury willing to go along with that.

So was he a line prosecutor in the county- ie Willis didn’t hire him?

On the other hand, it’s both novel and fucking ridiculous to assert that a man incharge of the most powerful, technologically advanced society in history who has the resources of the entire federal government at his disposal and is surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands of people who are among the most highly educated people and experts on whether there was actually anything untoward going on in the election, can actually genuinely believe that there was something bad going on when there were like 60 legal cases that said there wasn’t. You can’t stick your head in the sand to avoid pertinent info and claim ignorance when you get charged with a crime.


I would love if Rudy files an application for a public defender.

If Rudy’s life were a play the Ancient Greeks would say, “you’re really hitting this whole hubris to downfall thing a bit much dontcha think?”


Just need one and he got 5% of the vote there.


His lawyers are going to have to get up in front of him and argue that he’s too stupid to have done what he is being accused of. That should be fun to watch if nothing else

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I think Trump ends up underground in Colorado. He won’t be able to resist another Jan 6 event.

0.9512 = 0.54

Woo-hoo! Over a 50% chance!