Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Ok, so why do they want it moved to federal court? To try and get a more favorable jury?

No cameras though?

Fani Willis once said that Jack Smith wouldnā€™t recognize her. But wouldnā€™t they now need to be collaborating? How can Smith be sure that her witness testimony will jive with his and visa versa? Seems like a potential disaster waiting to happen and I know neither are dumb by any means

Says guy who canā€™t say whatā€™s really on his mind.

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That is one possibility. Or perhaps he thinks heā€™ll get a better judge. Could also be a delay tactic as the removal motion will need to be resolved first before anything else can happen.

Or maybe this:

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If someone is selling you medicine they think works but turns out to be sugar pills someone else substituted for the actual medicine it will be more difficult to charge them with fraud than if they knew what they were selling you wasnā€™t any good.

Trump had enough information from his co-consipirators that there was no tampering that it will be difficult for him to prove that his claims of election tampering where true.

I think heā€™ll be put under some sort of confinement in his house, so not sure how to vote.

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You mean the federal, Georgia, etc? All will be separate trials with separate juries


  1. They think theyā€™ll get a more favorable judge/jury
  2. Delay (either because the process of deciding if the case can be removed will take time and/or they have some other reason to think the case will move more slowly at the feds)
  3. Wanting to split the trial. Willis has said she wants to try everybody together. But, not every case might meet the standards for having the trial removed. So, that could possibly mean that certain evidence doesnā€™t come in. Could also just mean less attention on your trial, which he might prefer.

Thatā€™s all I can think of off the dome, but there could be other reasons.


No, itā€™s meant to show another facet of trumpā€™s low character.

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Right to a jury trial is constitutional. Conviction has to be unanimous. If itā€™s not (and acquittal isnā€™t unanimous) the case can be retried. 95% of juries are unanimous.

To prove a GA RICO violation the prosecution, I believe, needs to prove two of the underlying acts if they establish a conspiracy.


Couldnā€™t Trump request trial by judge? Iā€™m sure he would want the Florida slappy to be his judge rather than a random jury.


Yeah, I almost mentioned that with respect to Cannon. He could waive a jury trial, but thatā€™s pretty rare AFAIK.

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Smith has Trumpā€™s Twitter DMs

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11-30 seems right. The charges seem a lot stronger than I suspected but at the same time you have to get a jury without a MAGA whose gonna totally fall for his Chewbacca defense. Then they have to fade any other of the weird shit like self pardons or whatever shit that could keep him out of jail even if guilty. But Iā€™m coming around to it. 6 months ago Iā€™d have been a hard no voter on this.

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AFAIK, state criminal charges being moved to federal court isnā€™t a thing, though the feds sometimes bring charges that mirror state charges. Thatā€™s only for civil cases. The only federal court potentially involved is the SCOTUS.

I think itā€™s more like your medicine was denied regulatory approval, but then you fraudulently conspired to get it approved anyways. I find it hard to believe that your earnest belief that it really worked would be considered a potentially exculpatory defense.

I hadnā€™t really contemplated this but it does seem way more likely than jail.

Still far less than 50% imo but I could imagine a world where it happens. Still canā€™t imagine any world where he spends 5 min in jail.

How is some perverse maga led jury nullification not the overwhelmingly most likely outcome here in this case?

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