Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Lol ok not like there are not hundreds of articles easily available addressing this exact point as it will be a core to his defence.

I was probably a bit harsh, but after 5 years of WAAF and “there will be no consequences” one should be careful about misreporting the legal situation.

We bring you this unverified clip of prosecutors realizing RICO was the way forward


Illusory superiority is the reason for the snark.

But we all have been insecure before so we forgive you

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Please cite the consequences he has faced to date

Care to be bet on his facing any?

True, if someone is mistaking about something on this obscure message board it can have dire consequences

How many times has he failed to face consequences after being indicted before this year?

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Today’s breakdown on The Daily describes Trump’s strategy as The Costanza Defense lmao this really is a TV show



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p.s. i’m always going to be running

Does he even know that this relates to election interference the last time? I am sure if we clarify he will understand.

Can you cite an article that puts forward the theory that if Trump can demonstrate that he really believed that the election was stolen, then he should be found innocent ?

Prosecutors hate this one weird trick!


There’s this opinion piece from the NYT, but it seems to specifically relate to the DC conspiracy and fraud indictment.

Relevant paragraph:

…Smith has relied on a novel approach. He has charged Trump with committing criminal fraud and violating conspiracy laws that were not written to prevent the overturning of an election result.

A key part of these laws is that they revolve around a person’s intent. Intent is core to the notion of fraud: Only if somebody is knowingly trying to deceive others can he be committing a fraud. If he is spouting falsehoods that he genuinely believes, he isn’t participating in an illegal conspiracy.

I will move to Georgia if they convict trump.


He lost 5 million in a lawsuit already. Also, taking the position that 90+ indictments isn’t a consequence is a pretty out there position.

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How dare they interfere with his interference


Trump got the most indictments, still #1 libs


His presidential VORP is crazy.