Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


How does it work if some people tell you its bullshit but others tell you it is very much not bullshit?

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The case against Trump as always been open-and-shut since day 1, itā€™s just a question of whether any of our institutions have the political will to actually enforce the rules. Actually filing charges was a big step in the right direction. The big Q now is whether anyone will actually put handcuffs on him one heā€™s inevitably found guilty.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for this slapdick? She spent a decade helping the Leopards Eating Peopleā€™s Faces Party, I donā€™t feel bad at all that the leopard isnā€™t paying her legal bills.


That sounds very complicated, can you dumb it down for me further please?
Weā€™re of varying levels of intelligence on this forum.

One underappreciated feature of him not paying his own legal bills is yeah, while lol he can still pretend to be rich and not spend his own money, he is taking a non-trivial amount of money from small donor rubes on a daily basis, whereas Hunter, we just send him thoughts and prayers, so find your pleasures where you can.

Since I know that you intended to vote for convictions in all cases, you donā€™t have to do anything. Youā€™re good.

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From what I have heard on legal podcasts he can as long as he can convince people he believed it.

Jury nullification

okay, but I also wanted to vote for no convictions.

So youā€™re just messing with me. Ok, Schrodingerā€™s convictions it is. Iā€™m going to go back to venting about Trump now.

Listen to better podcasts. Even where intent is at issue itā€™s up to the jury to determine based on the totality of the evidence.

Do you think Trump will take the stand and argue his good faith and then let his lawyers argue that heā€™s too stupid to understand reality? I personally would love a week of Trump being cross examined.


The amount of ā€œbut maybe itā€™ll work for meā€ in Trumpā€™s collaborators is astounding



Kemp articulates the current moderate Republican political outlook:

"Fellow Republicans, this madness needs to stop! The country is at great risk of destruction due to this behaviorā€¦potentially allowing the Dems to hold political power.ā€

Even if he 1000% believed he had won the election and his cause was just, it still doesnā€™t permit him to commit a crime and try to overthrow the government

I truly believed I had 500 in my account, but the bank said it was zero, so I just slipped a note to the teller demanding he hand over 500. Whatā€™s the problem?


Didnā€™t say any of that but thanks for the snarky reply.

The consistently low quality of your posts is why my reply is snarky.