Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

“So I guess it’s a crime to provide affordable housing and showers to a displaced religious minority group?” - Hitler




You know it took him 5 or 6 times to get past his phone auto correcting that word to some N-word.


Like saying going to the bank runs the legal risk of being charged with robbing it.




Only way that article can be good if it’s only text is

“He already got the set is steak knives after the third one.”




I’m unsure why you scratched my name off when I wanted to vote for all 4, but could only pick 3.

(borrowed from popehat on threads)

He gets a New York charge, he gets a Florida charge
He gets a DC charge, he gets a Georgia charge
He enters the pleas that remind him of the good times
He enters the pleas that remind him of the better times

O Donny Boy, Donny Boy, Donny Boy

I get locked up, and I don’t get out again…


Yeah because they’re losers. Look both sides commit voter fraud, I denounce, but we’re just better at it than that loser Donnie dumb dumb. Can’t even rig an election for himself with a billion dollars in donations and millions of maga cultists and the democrats do it all the time for free with like 3 poll workers stuffing ballots. Sad!

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Ok, edited. But you also voted for None of These. Maybe the options were confusing. You may want to check your votes in the convictions poll for the same reason.

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Options weren’t confusing, I just wanted to vote for all 4.

I tried voting for all 5 in the other poll too.

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I didn’t include the first indictment in the poll because it had already happened. So the intention was you could pick up to 3 of the live options or “None of these”.

For convictions, we still have four live options, so you can select up to 4, or pick “None of these”. You voted for 3 convictions, but also “None of these”. So you should unselect the none option and if you intended to vote for convictions in all 4 cases, add a vote for the 4th conviction.

I tried voting for all 5 in the other poll too.

There are only 4 cases in the convictions poll. The 5th option (“None of these”) is just there in case people want to explicitly say he won’t be convicted in any of the 4.

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I’m certainly no law bro, but I guess I just don’t see Trump being convicted of this stuff. Looks like some of the other players will probably get got though, so that’s good.

I always thought for the conspiracy/fraud type stuff you needed to know that you were doing something that was violating the law. Won’t it be hard to prove that Trump knew he lost but was knowingly scheming to subvert the law, and wasn’t just a dipshit narcissist that couldn’t fathom losing to Sleepy Joe and believed these other moron’s claims and parroted them?

I mean obviously he is a relentless criminal, but meh all I can see is a thousand COMPLETE AND TOTAL EXONERATION truths in my future.

The people that put together the fake electors schemes seem like they are cooked, and the voting machine/data stuff looks bad.

Trump’s a dumbass, but he’s still fully aware all of this was illegal. Also, “I didn’t know it was illegal to overthrow the US gov’t” just isn’t going to fly as a defense.

Just feels like example 1000 where other people will take the fall and he’ll end up wriggling out of the jam. I suppose maybe he gets got and his supreme court exonerates him or he wins the election and pardons himself. It honestly breaks my brain to imagine any other alternative.

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You can’t plead that you don’t know when you have a ton of people in evidence telling you it’s bullshit.