Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

My father worked in the waste management business in Detroit in the 80s/90s. They were all mobbed up.

Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 00-35-48 Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) _ X


Local DA in Georgia hitting Trump and most of his advisors with charges they usually use on mobsters and rappers.



Trump and Young Thug both being locked up in same jail together for RICO charges would be interesting. I still donā€™t really understand how a state can use RICO and why I have only heard of it being used in Georgia.

Jail cops publishing mug shots, and news outlets relaying them to the public with names and addresses, should all die.

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They were all meat-eaters

I think thereā€™s still a legit concern (meaning non zero chance), that when they change the law, he can replace the current DA with someone who could drop the charges

no silly they Broke The Law

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The time is RIPE to stan for the privacy rights of

checks notes

lol idiots

Well thatā€™s not good.


also ā€œstanā€ is some cringe ass slang you should probably be in jail for using it and have your mugshot printed on toilet paper

Ok mister Stan

Stop stanning stan

RayHorton/Anachronistic/Etcetera, itā€™s never too late to find whoever told you that you were clever and smack them in the mouth for that cruel lie.

Who are the idiots being stanned for in this conversation?

This whole deal reminds me of the Churchill quote that America always does the right thing after exhausting all other options. Sure itā€™s taken a while, but now heā€™s facing about 100 felony charges in 4 different courts. Not bad America.


I honestly think once one prosecutor actually did something and wasnā€™t immediately strung up Mike Pence style everyone realized the MAGA mob wasnā€™t showing up and the flood gates opened.

January 6th legitimately scared people but that part of the MAGA cult is either in prison or got bored.

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