Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Russell got old yo

Guess he saw more money in right-wing grift than his mediocre stand-up comedy.


We got him

Well who tf asked them? I mean why does it matter what they think?

It’s Very Important. Your puny non-lawyer mind simply can’t comprehend the significance.


Trump has previously branded DeSantis “Ron DeSanctimonious” and “Meatball Ron” ― but neither has really hit the mark.

So, former Trump White House aide Gorka suggested: “Ron Destablishment.”

“What do you think of that?” he earnestly asked Trump.

“That’s not bad. I’ve heard worse, you know,” Trump replied. “They came out with lots of different names. ‘Meatball.’ I didn’t like that one too much. But they come out with a lot of different names, and that’s not bad. I’ve heard worse.”

So Trump’s favorite is “Meatball” and he’s still hoping it’ll catch on. Sad!

“Meatball” is so mid. It’s only barely insulting? I don’t think there’s a whole lot of anti-Italian xenophobia out there in MAGAland today. It’s just obvious Trump has lost his edge.

I think it’s partly that Ron D is so bland. It’s like trying to affix an insulting name to beige carpeting.

“Ron Destablishment” could actually be effective.

I think RINO DeSantis is more natural. RINO is just similar enough to Ron to make it work.


It flows a little better off the tongue, but IDK if people are going to buy that he’s a Mitt Romney/Larry Hogan type Republican.

The “establishment” moniker is really cutting for Trumpy people. And with the endorsements he’s been getting from people like Jeb!, it could work.

You can’t rush these things, when Donnie Dumb Dumb gets himself all coked up and on the stage with Ron D he will come up with something on the fly. It’s the one thing he’s good at.

RINO Ron would probably work.


Should be Ron d’Establishment, but that’s maybe to snobbish.

That’s perfect actually.

Good point, but let him do some RINOish thing, just one, and they can break it out.

So make fun of him for being boring. Calling Jeb “low energy” was brilliant; it cut right to his core. “Little Marco” was funny in the context of penis jokes.

The new material just sucks. “Coco Chow” is supposed to be racist maybe but I don’t get it? “Meatball” might have been funny if DeSantis was a big fat guy like Chris Christie but mostly it just sounds like a nickname your college bros gave you because you ordered a meatball sandwich one time.

Just call him “Greaseball DeSantis” or whatever.

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But to your point, this doesn’t “cut right to his core” the way that Low Energy Jeb does.

I also agree Meatball is stupid. I think that the base wants Donnie Dumb Dumb to go after DeSantis for his most disqualifying characteristics - he’s a Harvard and Yale educated phony who doesn’t even really hate black people and transgender people the way that Real Americans do, and like Trump does. DeSantis’s deplorable act is all an act, Trump’s deplorable act is sincere. This has always been Trump’s biggest political strength - he really is the stupid, racist, bully that the Republican core wants.

Why is it an act? Do you think he doesn’t actually hate gays, trans, blacks, and immigrants?

Not the way the deplorable base does. I think DeSantis is mostly poking those issues for his own political gain. He knows that activating hatred is a way for him to accrue personal power. Trump just likes to bully people and be cruel for it’s own sake. He is sincerely passionate about it. DeSantis is calculating about it.


“dirty ronny” is still in the game!