Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

He was president by then. Yes, presidents are pretty much untouchable. That needs to be fixed

Part of the faƧade. You ever see guys in the military mopping up rain water? Itā€™s like that. These lawyers may not even realize how pointless it all is, but for those of us that have been paying attention since 2016, itā€™s pointless.

Wrong, probably.

DeSantisā€™ only lane is ā€œserious adult Trumpā€ which means, in large part, not being Trumpā€™s bitch.

Trump being in prison or on trial is a huge help for DeSantis.

Also, this, obviously.

I thought it was a given, but it seems like some (most lol?) donā€™t think DeSantis wants Trump eliminated off the board.

Some go to the opera. Some collect stamps. Some build birdhouses and shit in their garage workshops. Iā€™m glad this retiree has found a hobby he enjoys:

Canā€™t accuse him of being out of touch.

Goddamn that is one classy man.

Are we supposed to know who she is?

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She looks vaguely familiar but I donā€™t know who it is.

Not gonna lie. I like hotties and golf. MAGA?


Heā€™s looking thin. Better get some Big Macs in him stat.

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She wearing a negligee?

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Who is the dude cucking Don Jr?

Russell Brand, who took an anti-vax/COVID conspiracy-theorist turn a while ago.

Oh well. He looks old.

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I see he apparently also has some thoughts about the secret US biolabs in Ukraine.

I get pretty tilted by sober people who go off the deep end. This is part of the reason for the AA tradition of staying anonymous publicly.

