Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

The White Gay House

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Just desserts

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People familiar with the Trump legal teamā€™s efforts to locate documents describe a confusing chain of events that delayed discovery of the box, including having its contents uploaded to the cloud, emailed to a Trump employee, and moved to an offsite location before finally ending up back at a Mar-a-Lago bridal suite that is now Trumpā€™s office ā€“ the very place that the FBI had searched just weeks earlier.

If thereā€™s no indictment in NY or Fulton county by 9/6/2023, it ainā€™t happening. Ditto for a federal indictment by 2/22/24 imo. I think weā€™ll see something pretty soon. And if we get into (and definitely past) June, Iā€™ll be very nervous. If I lose my first bet with Grue, Iā€™ll probably become of the same mindset as Melkerson and TheHip and also start believing the man is invincible

I think this would be a much more fair bet! Itā€™s also one that Iā€™m not ready to make just yet. I really donā€™t like to gamble but feel that these indictment bets are like printing money tbh

No idea what theyā€™d do in that circumstance, but an extradition request would put Desantis in a really tough spot as heā€™d be sure to lose votes. He probably doesnā€™t do it imo. Melkerson and grue may be right that Trumpā€™s best play would be to ignore any indictment coming from a state. Jesus these are fucked up times weā€™re living in

lol no. Anyone pissed at him for not extraditing orange man wouldnā€™t be voting for him anyway. The only way he would lose votes is by extraditing him.

If anything he might gain votes for ignoring those woke, blue state liberals.

Thatā€™s what I meant. Heā€™d lose votes by extraditing him, so he probably doesnā€™t do it

I was confused by the ā€œtough spotā€ part. Itā€™s not tough at all. He has no incentive to facilitate extradition. Not extraditing is the easiest decision ever.

Not extraditing Trump for a valid indictment loses the votes of whatever never-Trumpers would vote for Romney or Cheney. Whether he has a net gain from gaining votes elsewhere can be debated.

See NotBruceZā€™s post. Not everyone is a MAGA chud. If Desantis wants any shot at the presidency, he has to appeal to more than just Trumpā€™s base. I stand by my assessment that heā€™d be put in a tough spot

Again, I think you guys are ascribing powers to Trump that he no longer has or used to enjoy under the vast protections of the presidency. Aside from his dwindling base and the few politicians he has kompromat on, the guy is washed up

No one is indicting Trump during an election year, wtf are we talking about.

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So lets be that guy: Fani Willis, the georgia DA and POC lady has exactly what to gain by indicting DJT? Iā€™ll tell you what she has to lose: everything. She will be in virtual Salman Rushdie mode for the rest of her life/time in USA #1, her life and family in danger every time she steps in public. Fox and Newsmax will go absolutely apeshit, putting her picture everywhere. Why in the world would she sign up for that? For what? I wouldnā€™t.

The time for indictments was the week before he did what we all knew was coming, announcing his run. It didnā€™t happen. Its over. Its been 2 years.

Iā€™ll let both of you buy out for $50 - this offer expires on 6/1, LMK.

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They had the last two years. Also no indictments.

Itā€™s her fucking job!

Fox has already dumped Trump. To the extent that theyā€™re still downplaying J6 as some peaceful demonstration, itā€™s for the benefit of all the ā€œexistingā€ traitors still in congress, not to protect Trump

I had to heart your post for this:

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Do you seriously make no allowances for:

  • Our judicial system moves agonizingly slow even under normal circumstances

  • It takes time to work your way up the food chain

  • They had to deal with many well financed, legally armed, hostile witnesses and non compliers

  • We are talking about a former POTUS. Something that has never been done before in the history of the country. There can be no mistakes. No successful appeals. Theyā€™ve got one shot and cannot miss

J6 and the attempted overthrow of an election and government had many moving parts and involved many different people. These are unprecedented crimes. It makes sense to me that itā€™s going to move slower than any of us would like. I guess not to you tho

I donā€™t know why Iā€™m even bothering, but Iā€™ll jump in. There is no new evidence to be learned about Jan 6th. Everything there is to know about what happened that day is part of the public record. There is 0% chance that there is some crack team of lawyers working to build an airtight case. The DOJ is simply prattling about hoping something happens that makes their chances of a successful prosecution more likely. Itā€™s not going to happen. About 1/3rd of the country will believe anything that comes out of Trumpā€™s mouth. You simply canā€™t successfully prosecute a guy in that environment. They know it, and are just putting up a faƧade of doing something in the hopes that the problem eventually fixes itself (i.e. he dies, people stop caring, etc.).

Maybe thereā€™s some small chance one of the more ambitious state or district prosecutors says fuck it and fires an indictment. Thatā€™s cool and all, but like itā€™s been said here, an indictment with zero consequences is functionally the same as no indictment. Best case scenario is the ensuing trial results in the reveal of politically damning testimony, but I think weā€™ve hit the point of diminishing returns when it comes to the damage that can be done to Trumpā€™s reputation by whatā€™s effectively oppo research at that point. Any damage to Trumpā€™s rep will either be due to self inflicted wounds or an attack from other GOP hopefuls during the primary.

Some people are willing to act out of principle. Otherwise, itā€™s be dumb to expect politicians to act out of anything other than personal self-interest.

Used campaign funds to hush money a porn star. What. 6 7 8 years ago. Where is that one at

Matt G. We have text messages and Venmo evidence trail AND a cooperating witness. How did that go?

These people are untouchable

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Knowing what happened and being able to legally prove it to within reasonable doubt standards are two totally different things. How can anyone not know that?

So the subpoenas for Pence, Kushner, Ivanka and his lawyer, along with the attempt to quash attorney/client privileges were all for what then?

This just isnā€™t true. 1/3 of Republicans maybe and I doubt thatā€™s even true. Regardless time will tell

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