Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

They said the same thing about Hitler.

I don’t think it’s comparable. DeSantis is a product of the institutions that form America. He’s a Harvard and Yale law grad with a very conventional path to establishment power. He’s not a failed art student outsider with an axe to grind. This is the whole point, he can’t position himself as a “tear down the system, drain the swamp type”. He is the system, he is the swamp.

He doesn’t need to be a failed art student to view wokeness as a diktat.

I think we are talking about different things. I am certain that he sincerely thinks “wokeness” is wrong because he (and thousands to millions of other “normal” Republicans) simply think that their success and privilege is a product of their inherent superiority and the system is fair and just and liberal losers just whine about “structural racism” and “inherent bias” because they can’t win in the fair game that is America.

But that’s not interesting to your median deplorable Republican primary voter. They want BLOOD. They want CRUELTY. They want pregnant women to SUFFER. They want black people LYNCHED. They want to HURT people and they DELIGHT at the cruelty and bullying. They want to laugh with Trump at people that are powerless to defend themselves. This is where Trump’s political power has always resided. He will make fun of Saint John McCain because no one can stop him. He will make fun of disabled people and he will boldly declare that he grabs women by the pussy because no one can stop him. The deplorable base CRAVES this indignant bullying. DeSantis says the words but does he excite them? Or will he cave to establishment calls for decorum? That’s really where Trump has his edge. He is proudly ignorant and obnoxious. DeSantis is not.


I think he can position himself in that way, despite the fact that he’s like the most establishment candidate ever. Same way Trump sold himself as a man of the people who opposed east-coast elites despite the fact that he’d never done a day of manual labor in his life and literally lived in an exclusive NYC apartment above the common masses and shit in golden toilets.

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I agree that hypocrisy is broadly tolerated by the deplorables. But the reason they don’t care about Trump’s hypocrisy is that they are excited by the way he ignites their craven, hateful passions.

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It seems to me that people drive shitty enough in two dimensions, so we shouldn’t add a third until we show some improvement.

But the baby bonds are a terrific idea. Imagine: you receive $1,000 at birth, let compound interest work it’s magic for 18 years and then KA-BLAM! Shitloads of drugs.


Despite going to Yale, he may have the white resentment of growing up in what appears to be a working-class Italian-American family.

Yeah, I think DeSantis is building that cred with all his stick-it-to-the-libs-and-gays reactionary legislating.

Every day we are one day closer to Idiocracy.

Dude did Space Force. I like his chances!

It was either here or SPE where some of you came up with
“Yawn DeSantis” and
“Rhonda Santis” as in “Help me Rhonda”. He was so far behind in the poles he begged me for my endorsement. After I gave it to him I thought of him as “Help me Rhonda”. Help me Rhonda is very disloyal and is a Rino and wants to cut your Social Security.


“I would tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering – I know more about him than anybody – other than, perhaps, his wife,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News Digital.


Rhonda Santis was my idea. Given how they are dealing with drag queens in Florida, I think there’s a good chance that it will bother him a lot.

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See I didn’t even make that connection. Brilliant!

In general, I think that attacking Republican males by suggesting they don’t live up to their view of traditional masculinity is something that is more likely to get a reaction out of them, but I could also see how some people say you shouldn’t use those sorts of attacks against anyone because it doesn’t fit into their views about gender politics.

Marxist pigs. Can’t trust 'em. See Animal Farm.


That’s definitely best one so far. It plays perfect in the primary.