Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

If you build a time travel machine you can fix shit like this. All sorts of things.


I think the judge reacting strongly to his -truth post about her is <50%. Which will encourage him and force her to slap him down.

Ok maybe>50% now.

Also working the GA case.


When you think about it, the entire justice system is inherently biased against criminals. Unfair!


People are so delusional. Lol daring the judge. Daring her to do what?

He could literally post that he wants her killed and it would not result in any legal action against him.

He would just say it was a joke.




This judge hasn’t been fucking around with January 6 folks, if Trump keeps fucking around she’ll take some action.


a sternly worded letter?



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We don’t know that. Right now he is citizen trump and if he keeps threatening a federal judge by posting her picture online and other related tweets.

We just don’t know

We never thought he would be indicted and yet here we are.


How cool would it be for her to slam him into jail for 48 hours? Then hold a contempt hearing and throw him right back in if he fails to say all the right things.

At worst.

Do you honestly see any world where this happens?

I think it can’t be totally ruled out. What happens if someone throws a brick through the judge’s window?

Most of us thought trump couldn’t be indicted. Now it’s hard to see how he fades conviction in multiple felony cases

It’s uncharted territory but this just isn’t playing his game


I guess I would say I think it’s still pretty unlikely he’s jailed for contempt/witness intimidation, but I have upgraded that from lol no to extremely unlikely to now pretty unlikely. The next two tiers are unlikely and you know what, maybe.

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I still say the best recourse would be to not to jail him, but to use his intimidation tactics to move for a speedy trial. If they hold close to the Jan 2nd start date, he could be convicted felon by March of '24. Well before the election