Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

The devolution will be televised.




I mean, who is he even targeting with these insane posts? Even if I were a Kool Aid drinking Trump supporter, Iā€™d be like awesomeā€¦ So just show this massive evidence at trial and make Willis and all the haters look like fools and then sue the living shit outta them. Unfortunately, his supporters are too fucking dumb to add 2+2

Is his caps lock key broken? He used to use it a lot but not 100% right?

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How exactly would this work in practice? I still think itā€™s enormously unlikely we see an actual trial before the election.

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Popehat recently conceded that in this case it might, in fact, be RICO. Looks like it is!

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I donā€™t understand all this talk of an indictment before the grand jury votes. I really, really hope he is indicted but there are no criminal charges until there are criminal charges.

BTW, my understanding is that Georgia RICO is much broader and easier to prosecute than federal RICO (though by no means simple). The advantage of RICO is that all the evidence gets in and there arenā€™t significant disputes about whether witness X or exhibit Y relate to some specific crime or another.

How the hell does SBF get bail revoked and this cretin Trump still walks the streets criming like its the Purge?

Edit: I need to stay more up to date with ā€œcinemaā€.

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The whole ā€œTrump never experiences consequences so of course there will be no consequences in this caseā€ argument has been undefeated for decades and until anything actually happens Iā€™m inclined to stick with it. But once it doesā€¦ there are an awful lot of dominos ready to fall.


There is no way the J6 trial doesnā€™t start well before the election and then weā€™re looking at a matter of weeks before the prosecution presents its evidence and rests

In the real world, the right to a speedy trial is the only way to be fair to both the American people AND Donald Trump . If he is in fact innocent, he should want his name cleared and to be acquitted ASAP well before people have to vote. The judge understands this. Of course, Trump knows the only shot he has not to spend the rest of his life in jail is to delay, delay, delay

The document case could take a while, but Smith made this case as simple as possible for a reason

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The right to a speedy trial is the defendantā€™s. Not the governmentā€™s. It isnā€™t going to come into play here at all because DJT does not want a speedy trial. There are all kinds of procedural delay tactics the defense attorneys can pull. Especially in a case like this one.

Itā€™s my understanding that RICO charges are more complex to prove, but once done, everyone charged under them goes down

I guess we got Donnie on 5 year minimum, too early to pop champagne?

I donā€™t think this is true. The government represents the people and the people also have a right to a speedy trial

Again, I agree with this in the document case. This case is much different. Thereā€™s a reason Smith only brought 4 simple charges for now (with likely more to come).The sooner you realize that he is among the utmost of elite prosecutors and not a bumbling fool, the sooner you can alleviate yourself of this notion that he doesnā€™t know how calenders work

Edit: Just as importantly, this judge is not a MAGAt and understands that speed is of the essence

You can think whatever you want but you are wrong.

Iā€™ve done a decent amount of criminal defense work. There are lots of ways to delay even simple criminal law cases from heading to trial. Give me a simple Possession of CDS w/intent case and there wouldnā€™t be a trial for a year or more if thatā€™s what my client wanted.


Fair enough. I didnā€™t realize youā€™re an attorney. Iā€™ll defer to you, but Iā€™d be willing to bet this case goes to trial before the election. DM me if interested

Thatā€™s not how any of this works but I agree I donā€™t think Trump will be able to delay for very long.