Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


Really tough break for the presidential aspirations of dozens of people in this country who are 35 years old, born in the United States, but have only been a resident for 13 years.


NYT had an article about this yesterday ā€œConservative Case Emerges to Disqualify Trump for Role on Jan. 6ā€



In an alternate universe, Trump chose ā€œinsult comicā€ instead of President of the United States as a second career path and is on his third Netflix special.


He was, and will again, be president solely because he is an insult comic. Thatā€™s the bar.

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He paid by thinking about it.


This trick creates confusion for long enough for him to escape with all his money.

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Ah well nevertheless

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I watched the Little Mermaid in theaters with the wife and kids. I thought Halle Baily was pretty damn good but the movie was laughably horrible.

could only make it 3 minutes into beauty and the beast. torture.

We got him!


The charges in Georgia are likely to include violations of the stateā€™s antiracketeering statute, often used by prosecutors going after gangs. Prosecutors use the antiracketeering law to build a case against what they describe as criminal networks. In this case, they would make the case that such a network, headed by Trump, sought to subvert democracy by blocking legitimate election results.

Merwin Chambers, 72, a retired accountant from Gwinnett County, northeast of Atlanta, said he was sick of the barrage of political TV ads, fundraising emails and Trumpā€™s continued insistence that he won the 2020 election.

He voted for Trump twice before, but it is time to move on, he said. ā€œI would think more of Trump if he would shut up about the election. Itā€™s over,ā€ Chambers said.

He now favors other Republican presidential hopefuls like Scott, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. He said he would probably ā€œhold my noseā€ and vote for Trump if he becomes the Republican nomineeā€”unless he is convicted of a felony.

ā€œThat might be one of the rare instances I would have to sit out an election,ā€ Chambers said. ā€œI would vote for the other people running, but I would leave the presidential spot blank.ā€

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Iā€™m surprised it took him this long to find a loophole.

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This may or may not be apocryphal, but if it is true this is certainly my very favorite literary critic in the world: Nabokov was not allowed to teach English at Cornell, because English wasnā€™t his first language. So he taught a class called ā€œMasterworks of World Literatureā€ or something. So at the end of the first class session he gives a homework assignment: Write an essay explaining why you are in my class. One guy wrote ā€œBecause I like stories.ā€

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Dafuq kind of dumbass policy is this. Either you have a strong command of English or you donā€™t. You can figure that out with ease. Who gives a shit when/how he actually learned it?