Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

The sad thing is, the cowards waffling and hedging about Trump’s chances, don’t really believe what they’re saying. They just hate joy.

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I love how on one hand Trump is like, “Look at these morons pretending there’s any kind of contest in this primary. I’m not even campaigning, I won’t debate, and the polls still say it’s totally over. Pointless.” And then immediately “Oh noes, not a trial near my precious important election!!”


Everyone dies. I’d rather die fighing fascism than die getting cut off on the interstate or something.


Nah, they just retconn Jesus to suit their “culture”.



He also says the indictments are helping him. So then wouldn’t his logic dictate that an actual trial would be even better?

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Maybe if its televised. But it won’t be. If he has to be in court all day for weeks during the campaign it’ll probably hurt his campaign.

Yeah, but it’s hard to argue that in court when everywhere else he is saying he’s invincible and he’s gonna crush the primary no matter what.

I guess his argument will be something along the lines of “Primary campaigning has effect on the general as well” and he will lose those benefits.

100% correct.

Trump can easily tweet during the week and hold rallies on Friday/Saturday evenings. He has never needed to “campaign” in the traditional sense. And all he ever did all day was watch Fox News and tweet anyway. The trial against HIM will provide much better Twitter and rally fodder.

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Don’t think there’s much chance of him delaying the trial. Trump’s entitled to a quick trial, he’s not entitled to put off the trial at his convenience. He can complain that this will disrupt his rally schedule and the judge will tell him to pound sand.


That’s just campaign trail talk


Unfortunately, Trump is well-known to have an eidetic memory (person, man, woman, camera, tv)

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Chances of Trump going into exile?

US District Judge Tanya Chutkan closed her first hearing in the 2020 election subversion case with a warning shot to former President Donald Trump: the more inflammatory statements he makes connected to the case, the greater the urgency will be to move the case quickly to trial.

The warning hit on what have been the two major flashpoints in the January 6 prosecution against Trump so far: what he can say publicly about the evidence prosecutors turn over to the defense and how quickly the proceedings should move to a trial.

The judge’s closing words also included a vow that the case will advance like any legal procedure in the criminal justice system.

“The defense has reiterated at length Mr. Trump’s First Amendment right to speak about this case and any evidence in it,” she said, adding that Trump will be afforded all the rights of any criminal defense and it will take an effort to avoid “a carnival atmosphere.”

"It is a bedrock principle of the judicial process in this country,” she said while quoting precedent, “that legal trials are not like elections, to be won through the use of the meeting hall, the radio and the newspaper.”
“This case is no exception,” she said.

She warned that “even ambiguous statement from either party or counsel … can threaten the process.”

The more a party makes “inflammatory” statements that could taint a jury pool, she said, “the greater the urgency will be that we proceed to trial quickly” to ensure a fair trial.

From CNN live updates


We got him!


I’m obviously happy with this because it’s exactly what I’ve been saying. Instead of revoking bail and putting him in jail for a few days, just quickly move to trial. I should be a judge lol