Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Could one of the reasons for the delay and all the security in Fulton County be that we’re gonna see some big names on these indictments?

I would definitely want to be be one, but I wouldn’t perjure myself on voir dire, so I’m sure I’ve got zero chance.

I think the real question is if you get the summons, how far would you go to try NOT to get yourself DQ’d.


Whose name is bigger than Trump? Jesus?

I hear MAGA thinks Jesus is a pussy.

i’d absolutely want to ensure justice is done but at the same time you’re right that the right wing fake media will stake out the courthouse and dox me and now i’ve got thousands of armed lunatics fantasizing about murdering me all day every day. and i’m just a regular dude i don’t have a professional security force protecting me. and these trump supporters have nothing going on in their lives, they could pop off on a tuesday morning and i’d never see it coming. so what am i supposed to do? risk my life so trump serves house arrest in a glorious mansion for a few years until the next republican or weak democrat gets elected? trump wants nothing more than house arrest, the guy just wants to watch tv all day, it’d be a beautiful excuse for him to achieve his greatest dreams.

so i voted for both


I live in the county where the federal Trump document case will be tried, so getting a summons is a possibility. I’ve been a juror in the past for a short DUI trial. I kinda think that I would just go along with the process, wherever it leads. I doubt they would want me.

Not only would I want to be a juror, I would want to monetize the experience and use it to troll MAGA idiots.


So how bad do you want it? How much would you lie during jury selection?


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I just thought with all the prep and security and everything maybe theyr going to sweep up some members of congress in addition to Trump? That could certainly explain the concern for a potential riot. Trump’s recent indictments alone haven’t been getting a big enough turnout to warrant these type of precautions, so it would make sense?

it’s not the worst idea. salman rushdie wrote a mid book and invited assassination attempts and many gorgeous women apparently loved that shit

Salman Rushdie fatwa


Works great until you get stabbed in the eye



100% this

And I also just wouldn’t want to deal with jury idiots on a trial like this

Try that in a small town


I would snap be willing to deal with the most idiots of idiots if I was on Trump jury. I would also be snap willing to deal with a long ass sequestered case. But it is the safety of my anonymity that gives me pause.

bunch of wusses in this thread. Court will probably take extra precautions to protect your safety, like a separate secluded entrance. Possibly even a barrier so the jurors can only be seen by those on the stand, counsel, judge, and defendant.

I was foreman on a jury once at age 21 and got to read the guilty verdict for first degree murder.


My biggest fear of serving on this jury would be that the prosecution would somehow fuck up or couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt and I’d have to vote not guilty

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You’re a maniac


Seems like everybody knows the score. It’s all about the clock.