Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Incredible. Also annoying I need to log into twitter to read comments. No thanks

Of course he won’t! But goddammit everybody else had better!




Appearing before a judge for the first time last week, De Oliveira was unable to enter his plea because he had not secured a Florida-based attorney. Hours before he was newly set to be arraigned, it was still not known whether he had retained local counsel.

Questions about who is set to represent Trump and his codefendants have drawn close scrutiny since the first charges were announced in June with routine processes drawn out at several junctures. Nauta’s not guilty plea was twice delayed after he was unable to secure a Florida attorney.

No public defenders in FL?

Seems like it would be a huge benefit to the guy to have a lawyer not paid by Trump.

Mark Schnapp, a criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor in Florida’s Southern District, said De Oliveira should have a lawyer by the hearing.

“Candidly, there’s no reason he can’t find a lawyer,” Schnapp said.

Yeah weird

I doubt even Trump has lawyers paid by Trump.


Trial date for Jan 6th case proposed as Jan 2nd 2024


That would be a crazy fast trial date. Hope it happens.

Dispositive motion deadline in 1.5 months, motions in limine in 3 months, jury selection in 4 months.

I would be surprised if the judge accepts this schedule but I don’t know criminal procedure and maybe the judge is keen to work quickly. I literally expect Trump to propose February 2025 as a trial date.

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I think the judge wants to move quickly, but, at the same time, Iowa caucus is Jan 15th and I think almost any judge is going to be reluctant to schedule the trial to run through the most crucial part of the primary campaign

Maybe the guy who tried to overthrow the government and was almost successful shouldn’t be involved in the campaign for the next election.


I agree, but I think a lot of judges don’t think that should be their decision. If January lines up with the typical schedule for the court, then maybe they go with it. But, in this case, it would be a pretty fast schedule AND line up with the election in a particularly high leverage way, so I just don’t see the trial getting done that quickly.

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In the very real possibility that Trump wins, holding the trial after the election would be complete chaos and/or a moot point. It makes perfect sense to me that the judge would want to wrap it up before then.

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if you lived in dc and got sent a juror summons and were called in for selection and found out it was for the jan 6th trump trial, would you want to be a juror? or would you try to disqualify yourself somehow?

  • yes, i would want to be a juror on the trump trial
  • no. hell no.

0 voters

just was thinking about this, at first, you could really have a say in history. i have the kind of personality that either a) would get voted foreman, or b) would control/guide the room.

then i thought, you wanna talk about the ultimate zero upside all downside deal… there’s gotta be a really healthy chance that you’re outed either by trump or the media. then, i’m just supposed to get sequestered in some random hotel for weeks (more like months). who tf is paying my bills during all that?

I don’t trust for a second my anonymity would be maintained enough that I’d feel safe to do that