Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

So they got the poop emoji reply to their initial request, then waited a few days and tried again, then picked up the phone a week later. Solid


To be clear, itā€™s very subtle, and the vast majority of people are welcome to come.

I can understand that part. There are crazy folks around, but itā€™s the supporters who I canā€™t understand. How do they not see right through him? Thatā€™s the most depressing thing.

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they are him dude in a basic sense, the general template of only giving a shit about yourself, dgaf about things like rules and laws or any basic human decency to other people, triggering the libs. In other words the short versionā€“heā€™s an asshole and they are assholes so thatā€™s why.

and itā€™s not just him, itā€™s a bit maddening at times when people who act like elementary school bullies youā€™ll get a ton of people saying how great of a person they are. Iā€™ve seen it a bunch and been WTF is wrong with all of you. Iā€™m at the stage of only straight up ignoring all of those people unless absolutely necessary nowadays. They only take from your life not add to it so no point in even engaging.


I think itā€™s fair for a judge to give priority to the former president over what ever else those lawyers have to do.

I know what you mean, but the problem is when he starts actively calling for violence with ā€œWill no one rid me of this turbulent priest?ā€ posts. Someoneā€™s going to get killed.


Are there any theories on why Fani Willis hasnā€™t pulled the trigger yet? Iā€™ve been more patient than most realizing the importance of detail and scope involved. But she said charges were imminent back in January. Then teased a target date sometime in July. Then 1st week of August. More recently sheā€™s said theyā€™ve been ā€œready to goā€ for a week now. Thereā€™s gotta be something sheā€™s waiting on. Itā€™s maddeningly curious

Doesnā€™t want to get murdered?

Last I saw sheā€™s presenting the case to the grand jury next week so it probably wonā€™t be too much longer of a wait.

Seems like theyā€™re incrementally increasing courthouse security, maybe to see if they can draw out any wackjobs before the actual indictment.

I mean how can you ensure it doesnā€™t get flooded whenever the swimming pool is drained.

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RICO is a statute the district attorney has spoken fondly of and used in unorthodox ways to bring charges against teachers as well as musicians in the Atlanta area.

Thatā€™s an odd fact to drop without providing additional context.

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Imagine running for President like this


I guess Trump now thinks the U.S. is also a shit hole country. SAD!

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trump 2024 ā€œiā€™d much prefer to be in franceā€


Former President Trump said Wednesday he wonā€™t sign an RNC loyalty pledge to support the eventual Republican presidential nominee.

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Every time someone says shit like this itā€™s always PLEASE GO

heck trump Iā€™m sure you can get some libs to pay for it!