Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Clovis just has a lot of feelings.


“Liddle” is back baby!


Is there any reason why tweets don’t load here? They do on other forums I visit.

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The Big Brains who know how to pull the levers and push the buttons all left to start an identical but subtly more exclusive website. Literally no one left on this forum has the wherewithal to fix this problem which, as you’ve noticed, has already been solved.


Wait, what? I’m clearly not part of the Big Brains of anything, but what new website?

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Judge should gag him and immediately stay her own order, pending appeal. Just pass it the hot potato all the way up to SCOTUS. Just get it over with.

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Twitter’s initial resistance to complying with the warrant resulted in a federal judge holding the company in contempt and levying a $350,000 fine. The federal court of appeals in Washington, D.C., recently upheld that fine.


Is this what elon meant when he said he’ll cover the court fees for people who posted stuff on twitter?


Non-paywall link to full memo:


Lol lol can’t appear to be biased

Idk $350k seems like a silly amount for Musk to pay as tribute to the cause

I know it’s nothing new, but I still think it’s crazy that Trump just keeps running his mouth, riling up crowds with his “the election was stolen” bullshit. I mean, I KNOW, it’s not REALLY crazy at this point, but my mind still can’t quite wrap itself around how insane the dude is.


Trump was caught red-handed stealing extremely classified material, what the hell are we doing here looking through his twitter account? Looking to find some spicy deleted tweets? Did he do a twitter crime?

People’s Exhibit 5: Trump dick pics

DMs to select lawmakers telling them to wear yellow so the rioters know who not to tie up


It’s like Trump can’t be directly locked up for stealing nuclear secrets or or insurrection or getting caught trying to overturn the GA election but he can be dinged for second-order downstream crimes, like he’ll get a fine for tweeting out info about the discovery materials during his insurrection trial.

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Also, it’s Jack Smith time! Time to drop the hammer on these guys!!!

The opinion describes the Justice Department’s “difficulties” in initially making contact with Twitter — which had only recently been taken over by Musk — to serve the search warrant. Prosecutors first attempted to contact the company on Jan. 17 via its website for legal requests but found the page to be inoperative. On Jan. 19, the company finally connected with prosecutors but did not immediately comply with the warrant. On Jan. 25, when prosecutors prodded Twitter again, the company’s counsel claimed she “had not heard anything about the warrant.”