Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

He’s really crowding the plate.

Judge pretty much has to slap him down now or he’s just going to get more ridiculous.

(Judge will mildly rebuke him and he will continue to escalate, same as it ever was)


It’s almost as if he wants the judge to crack down so he can complain

Reminds me of when Murphy was in the chair for a Nick Kygrios match and he just kept calling him names and swearing and calling him a potato. He just wouldn’t default him

Wonder if this judge is going to ignore it and let the trial proceed without stepping in it

Put him underground in the Colorado super max and stop babying him.




He can’t abide by the pre trial conditions. Lock him up until the trial is over. Kthxbye


This judge is so freaking awesome


Whilst I’m sure it’s great that at least this judge isn’t visibly felating him in court at every opportunity, as long as he isn’t being threatened with a jail cell for the shit he’s constantly spewing out on social media he’s still getting kid gloves treatment and will continue to push the boundaries.


I have no idea what the judge can do to stop him talking. He is going to ignore any order and there is a 0.00% chance he goes to jail for contempt so it’s effectively the same as the judge issuing no order. It’s all theatre. He knows it.


I don’t see what the problem is. Let him talk. The important thing is to get to trial ASAP and that’s exactly what appears to be happening. Trump spending a night in jail just makes him a hero. It’s all gonna come out at trial anyway, right?

If anyone wants action I’ll happily bet he never spends anytime in jail for contempt.

I would be satisfied with escalating fines instead of jail time.

Which he will never pay $1 of

Someone send Clovis a bag of zesty cheese Doritos so he isn’t such a Debbie downer.


I’ll stop and let everyone have their fun imaging scenarios where is actually gagged. I hope I am totally wrong in the end.

This would do nothing. He’d just grift more off his supporters and siphon campaign dollars to pay them.

It’s a cat and mouse game. You can’t not play and you can’t just let him walk all over you. It’s tricky. The judge has to brush him back without actually hitting him with a pitch. At least not right away. Obviously he’ll cheat as much as he can. If he ends up getting beaned so be it.


I can see it escalating to house arrest with no electronic devices that can access the internet.