Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

And this superstition that these magats are sophisticated enough to deceive en masse. Noise

lol the Riverman waaf circlejerk invitational

You can tug one another to climax over it


My biggest fear is that Russia just goes all out cheating to get Trump elected. Second fear is that MAGA lunatics attack vote counting as seen in Succession.

Fwiw Iā€™m not anywhere near as confident as Iā€™d like to be. I still think a segment of Republicans would vote for him even if he was already serving time in a jail cell (what a time to be alive). Add an unpopular Joe Biden to the mix and itā€™s scary. But I also think thereā€™s a good chance of yet more criminality to be exposed, which should keep reasonable Rinos at home

Russia a little bit occupied at the moment.

Itā€™s also become pretty clear that they donā€™t have any fucking clue what they are doing the way things have gone for them the last 18 months.


And then pee on him. Which he would normally enjoy. But not by them.

And that segment is all of them.


I canā€™t tell if you are just trolling.

Literally a majority of republicans believe trump won in 2020. Tens of millions of Americans. The definition of en masse.

If the election were held today, I think Biden is a very big favorite. Yeah, people donā€™t love him, but everything has been pretty solid since he took over. Trumpā€™s big talking point was how Biden would ruin everything and that just hasnā€™t happened. I donā€™t think people are going to want to go back to the Trump chaos.

Of course, Iā€™m sure Rā€™s realize this, and are going to use the next year to try to make things bad. Right now betting odds have Dā€™s at 60% or so, which seems a bit low, but not crazy. I think if you knew it was Biden/Trump 2, it would be closer to 75%.

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This seems like a reasonable take but it makes one very big assumption. It assumes the GOP doesnā€™t straight up cheat, rig everything and use the courts to sway anything close in their favour.

Add in these and I think 60/40 is generous.

They tried to cheat last time and everyone is going to jail


The GOP is in shambles at the state level, many of them teetering on insolvency. The mega donors who funded their efforts in the past are drying up since the tRUmp cult crazies took over. Doesnā€™t bode well for good results at the federal level, imo.

Yea this was exactly the take going into 2020 and outside of Jan 6th trump shit it was fine, sure maybe it could be done at state level this time but people here were 100% positive that would happen in 2020 and election night went fine

Edit: I think 60/40 is prolly about right, my personal feelings are a good bit better than that but Iā€™m SSC at this point

I was merely representing my constituents, who strongly want politicians to be able to lie with impunity. Itā€™s very important to them that their elected leaders lie to them and lie to arms of the government in their pursuit of corrupt goals. They want that.


The counterinsurgency operations in Iraq worked so well, we should definitely do that here in America


Election night was followed by a literal violent insurrection taking over the nations capital.

Man the Overton window is just a dot.

Because we dodged 10 outs last time shouldnā€™t make us super comfortable this time.

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60/40 Biden feels about right to me atm.


This is my general take on the situation as well. Not so much the particular numbers, but the overall take. I feel Biden would be a pretty big favorite if the election were held right now. I donā€™t feel demographics are a magic bullet (just look at the young white male vote, or the surprising number of Hispanics that like Trump). However I think the % of hardcore Christians is slowly declining, and young women and black people are particularly turned off by Trump. Add in the indictments and I think Trump would do worse than last time.

However make the economy bad, or have Biden fall and break a hip, have some ratfucking, or some other things, and who knows. Then weā€™re getting closer to toss-up. I certainly donā€™t feel confident overall given the unknowns that will occur between now and the election.