Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


In lieu of prison, I’m open to the option of having the US women’s team line up to penalty kick him in the nuts.


How is this not onion.


This is what republicans actually believe.

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The onion headline would actually be, “‘How is this not onion?’ asks man who has been following Republican politics for the last 8 years”



SJCX = sweet jummer child extreme?

I actually don’t think they do. Way too much optimism in these parts.

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Surprise witnesses. Each more surprising than the last one.

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Sounds like the defense is going to be: “Yes, it might be true that Trump made a few mistakes but do any of you jurors really Trump? Because, in that case, you can vote not guilty”

Yea I don’t know where the optimism around here is coming from. I think Biden is a coin flip, if that.

Social Justice Cuckold Xhe/xer

She really Trumps, nudge, wink

Yes, Colonel. Obviously demented, sad and antisocial

His family hate him, his employees. The guy at McDonald’s apparently - with the unfortunate job of reporting the soft serve machine inoperable

I think he’s still favored a little bit more than that. There is a decent chance of a one state difference with an absolute shit show of R’s coming up with some pure bullshit though. Yes, I know the market seems to have it about a flip but whatever to that as they all have way more R bettors than D.

I like stuff like this where absolutely nobody here believes they aren’t snap pulling the lever on election day for trump–heck they could do something out of the simpsons, Joe Biden tried to get Donald Trump on all these crimes while listing them individually then vote for Trump.

A coin flip versus that diseased dogshit?

Nah. Nice content, tho, I guess lol

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