Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

We have no clue what is in our best interest as a collective.

Jeez this endless noise is draining, exasperating

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There are also enough women out there who don’t, but are content enough with their lifestyles that they still vote Republican over a woman’s right to bodily autonomy


We really don’t. history and the present are ample evidence

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God bless the optimists, tho, as ever.

It’s not like there’s a gigantic gender gap in opinions on abortion.


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Yeah that post put me off; was about to propose “Twice impeached, thrice indicted” as new thread title.

I think Trump is trying for a new judge. Once the judge smacks him down hard he will then file for recusal as this judge is obviously biased against him.

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It’s pretty clear the republicans and trump are going for a dictatorship.

Option B is going to be the clear choice here.


Remanding someone for witness intimidation isn’t being biased it’s doing their job

Because Pence is likely a witness and Trump can’t stop posting about him, things should come to a head soon

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Surely we are not dreaming of actual consequences of trump talking about the cases or witnesses on social media and in his speeches?!?

Zero chance of this.

Just look at the rape case a couple months. She is suing him for making the same claims during the case she was suing him for.

Nobody is stopping him.

Stop giving him ideas.


I like how Trump’s lawyer is going on the news shows and saying his client is innocent because he truly believed that he won the election.

So… you’re saying Donald Trump is an idiot?


Watch this lawyer get Trump out by using the Sean Carroll Defense explaining the limits of consciousness and free will.

“Even if Trump were aware of his actions in a manner that could be called intent, evidence from the so-called scientific community has in fact shown that awareness of our actions occurs AFTER that action has occurred. Can Trump be held accountable for merely remembering the decisions his quantum self made without his awareness? Can we even say he is truly remembering anything?”


He’s unraveling


Narcissistic rage in Tweet form

I like to imagine someone on his staff is making these posts.

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It’s necessary for, um, greatness.