Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I said to myself, “c’mon, Trump would never resort to a nickname for Pence, obviously a fake”. I guess I’m a slow learner.

Yeah, I would not want to read that if I were his lawyer. Yikes.

This is the kind of thing where it is unusual for a judge not to grant the extension. Trump gonna owe this judge for reducing his overall legal fees by limiting delays.

we’re getting back to the exciting times when trump is being more outrageous than ever before and anything can happen. i think it’s entirely within his range to mock up a fake courtroom in mar a lago and get a team to professionally livestream a parallel trial where he presents all his grandest theories and the prosecutor goes, “gosh, i never really looked at it that way. you’ve obviously never committed any crime other than loving our great nation. thank you, sir”

hannity can go on tv with clips of the fake trial and talk about it all night. this is what he must do as the trial is actually happening.

he’ll go to a rally and be like, “wow, i’m working so hard. half my day i’m at the fake trial and then all night i’m doing the Real Trial”


The fact that he’s too stupid to figure out or even ask someone about the word he’s actually trying to write (Li’l) is particularly irking me.

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Yes and there’s already a team with the expertise


“There’s the sellout! There’s the traitor!” they yelled at Pence as he exited his vehicle. “Why’d you sell out the people?”

“I know the people in this movement, whether they support me or not, are the best people in this country,” he said as he pointed to the protesters in the corner of the room.


Grunching, but am I missing something, or do you think most GOP women are voting GOP in spite of abortion rather than because of it?


The major magazine article part, and the “surprised but it was right” is just solid fucking gold

In response to a question about the potential for further violence from Trump supporters in the wake of Jan. 6, Pence said he rejected that notion “categorically.”

But can he get a mob to back off by categorically rejecting violence when they actually come after him?

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I would be entertained if a crowd eventually did the most hilarious possible thing to Pence, while Trump was still a free man

Me too, for the purge to come

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At the mercy of what’s called a Stewart Rhodes. Not in this lifetime

He’s no benevolent zikzak Stalin

I’m not sure what this would be.

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It’s a twitter euphemism for murder, to circumvent moderation


Induce enough anxiety to cause a heart attack by having single women talk to him while his wife is in another room.


Financially secure married women tend to favor status over women’s rights and what would be perceived in the best interest of women in general

The reason I singled out women is that they are the only group (I can think of) who have actually lost a right

There’s a lot of women out there who think abortion is murder. Do you not understand this?