Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Doesn’t almost every Republican vote against their interests tho? What percentage are actually helped by their tax cuts? Other than that, they stand for literally nothing outside of protecting civilization from movies, beer and green m&ms


And that ‘wealth’ is corruption.

It’s such a mistake to think people are “voting against their interests.” I mean, I guess it will Make you feel superior to them because they don’t share the same perspective on what their best interests are, so if that’s what you’re going for, then cool.


lol yeah i haven’t really looked into the senate map so no clue how that horrible institution plays out but i would expect them to win the house back.

Serious reeducation

Barr on PBS Newshour: If convicted, Trump won’t spend a day in prison. There will be some kind of deal.

They are interested in marginalizing black, brown, and rainbow people, and are very much voting for their most despicable interests.


It’s really really really bad:



Yep. Mobilize wtf you have to, bring it down on him.

And neighborhood watch for Samaritans

Trump is acting like a guy who knows he’s getting found guilty, because he will be

Sitting on my front porch at 4:15, a couple and some dude solo walk by, at 2 separate times.

The poverty and disenfranchisement in semi-rural MIZZOU

Maybe not quite as fertile a recruiting ground for American jihadis, but I can see it, feel it

Or I’m paranoid :vince1:

Yes but I have a revelation for you, and you may want to sit down because this is big news.

People have feelings and make irrational decisions.

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The Undertow

They need the rush of grievance more than lefties lol

A cat at 2+2 just made an interesting point about it.

I’ll go get it

I used to think that the constant losing would impact them, but as a species they seem to not even care much if they win or lose. They are just tied into the emotional reaction they feel when they get monetized by those telling them what they want to hear. Winning elections seems to be a secondary concern. Sure, whenever they lose they say it is because of rigging and overlord Democrats or Bigfoot or whatever, but the core emotion is the rush they feel when they are being exploited by their handlers and told what to think, and those content creators are in it for the money for the most part. The content creators kind of do better when their candidates do not win as then they are not in “power,” and they can go full derp at the evil overlord Illuminati power structure with Soros, Gates, that dude in the shipping department etc.

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last ned (1)


I hope you are all right that trump is losing in 2024 but I honestly have no idea how you are so confident.