Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

To be clear, I do think Biden is a pretty sizable favorite. But Republicans getting “slaughtered” in 2024 would very much surprise me.

I’d definitely say Republicans are more likely to re-capture the senate than Biden is to win a second term.

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This is even uglier when you consider all the people that are going to start thinking of themselves as white so as to be able to inject that sweet white supremacy straight into their veins.

To keep the senate Dems have to win a race in Florida or Texas, possibly both, good luck with that

Yeah, it’s basically pick two of Florida, Texas, Montana and Ohio. And hold on to everything else except WV. And Biden would still have to win. And that’s just to get to 50+VP.

I haven’t looked that much but Brown seems to still be polling ahead in Ohio? Montana toss up atm too. I like that both are incumbents there, I agree there’s next to no chance in lol Texas and Florida.


Brown did win reelection by 7% in 2018, granted it was the blue wave year, but in 2012 he won by 6%. He may just be the Joe Manchin of Ohio.

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Please don’t compare Brown to Manchin


This is depressing. I definitely don’t have my finger on the pulse of the nation, but how can any woman vote R after the overturning of Roe Vs Wade? How can any independent vote for the party wanting to ban books and eliminate the LGBTQ+ community? Not to mention the hypocrisy and constant defense an outright criminal thug

It depends how insane the GOP candidate is. Luckily all signs point to a Kari Lake level nut job as the 3 announced candidates are all whackadoodle. There is a car dealer guy who is clearly faking it and will lose (they sniff these guys out) and 2 other absolute pieces of shit. Brown, like Tester in MT, is a dream candidate for Dems.

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Yes and I was wrong anyway about the polling in Tim Ryan’s race, which was actually right on the mark. Hillary and Biden underperformed significantly, but perhaps Ohio Trumpers lie to pollsters. Awval from 2p2 claimed to be voting Gary Johnson right up until his infamous “we’re taking our country back” on election night 2016.



I just have my doubts that people are going to vote for Brown/Trump and Tester/Trump. We’re going to need a not insignificant percentage of ballots like that.

In 2016, no senators won if they were different than the party that won the presidential EVs.
Only Susan Collins did that in 2020 (thanks Maine voters!).

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Because the federal government will be ready and respond with greater force against the next insurrection? One can only hope.

You do know black people exist right

The result among the politically important independent group shows an 11-point increase in the number who consider the current indictment very serious compared to the previous indictment related to the former president’s handling of classified documents.

The word serious appears 13 times in this story, fyi.




Of course. Terrible of me to omit Blacks among the long list of people I can’t believe would ever vote Republican these days

That is a plausible point that Hip41 could be making.

However, I think he’s suggesting that people who seemingly vote against their interests all vote Republican because they share a fear of Black people.


What do you do when the AssHattans accuse the assassin?