Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Would you not expect a magna cum laude grad of Michigan with a federal appeals court clerkship to get that job? lol wtf credentials are even considered good in lol law???

Are there firms that would actually turn their nose up at those credentials? Like, sorry, we only hire summa cum laude graduates of Harvard with supreme court clerkships, hit the bricks lady.

For women, most job interviews at law firms go like this:

Interviewer: Come here, big tits. Come here, big tits. Your tits belong to me. Give them to me (indiscernible). I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. These are my tits


oh you said summa cum laude, sorry I thought you said something else


Gatekeepers gonna gatekeep

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Meanwhile, this afternoon the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office announced a series of road closures beginning on August 7 in downtown Atlanta near the Superior Court of Fulton County and the Fulton County Government Center. At the end of July, the sheriff’s office put up security barricades around the courthouse.
The extra security measures might indicate that Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis is about to announce the results of the grand jury’s investigation into Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia: "I took an oath, and…the oath requires that I follow the law,” Willis said today. “And…if someone broke the law in Fulton County, Georgia,…I have a duty to prosecute, and that’s exactly what I plan to do.


Agree. Just spent a few minutes on the Cravath website and they seem to have people who don’t even have this level of accomplishment. It’s possible those folks all had something else special about them, but her CV would fit right in over there. And if it would there, then it would at any other top firm.

This is fine


if i had bigger balls…


Jack Smith is 54. Where does a guy like this go if he wins these cases? Just ride off into the sunset?

$2+M a year job in private practice, $500k/yr teaching gig, top tier DOJ position, probably wouldn’t be confirmed for a district judgeship but Biden has appointed some older people.


Supreme court judge

Flags like that can very easy look like Trump flags from far away (or even close up if it gets folded into itself).

I’d expect Gibson, Dunn to cutoff at like 20% of law school class, so golfclap for her. She was fast tracked for a judgeship based on an entirely undistinguished career due to conservative “affirmative action.” If she were a liberal with similar credentials she wouldn’t even sniff a judgeship.

This is my problem with my LET’S GO DARWIN t-shirt, if I cross my arms it can easily look like the shirt I’m mocking.

I don’t think anyone is disagreeing with that. It’s just that your first post made it seem like Gibson, Dunn was a huge luckbox for her. It wasn’t.

I think the Sopranos are a better analogy for America that the Nazis. A lot of violence and the threat of violence underpinning everything, but if the money keeps flowing then we ain’t go no problem. But if the money stops flowing, you and me is going to have to go for litte drive.


Problem? I think it would be awesome just for the chance some MAGAt goes in for the fist bump, “Hey, like your shirt bro!” and you uncross your arms for the return bump, “Hey, thanks!”

My feeling right now is optimistically that 2024 is going to a bloodbath for Republicans.

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