Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

aw, don’t sell her short, I think it had more to do with with being an awful person and craven opportunist


One thing I heard, but not all sure it’s true. IF he gets convicted at one trial, does that mean if found guilty in another his sentencing gets increased because he’s technically a convicted felon? That almost seems unfair lol

Remains a hip sentiment but an inaccurate one. American empire is the most humane to yet exist (by far) and that will matter.

Not conceding your point, but…

Tallest midget

The point is that it’s a midget

The problem with this analogy is that we have seen regular-sized people, so we know a midget is small. In contrast you are comparing America to an ideal that has never existed.

so the judge asked him his date of birth and replied with, “seven seven… seventy-seven”?

nice. dude’s shook

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I think his sentence then maybe moves from 4 to 5 years, whereas the big relevant discontinuity is between 0 years and 1 year plus. Prior conviction is nice but not significant in the larger scheme of things.

forgive seventy times seven

unfortunately the indictments go beyond that instruction in number, lard ass

I’m a total patzer, but this seems wrong.

Do the “smart” conservatives know/care about this, like at all? And if so, do they look down on her? Is clerking for Cannon a ticket to anywhere?

Happy to be corrected, but looks like g6 is the strongest move that gives an eval of 0, all other sensible moves are in the .1-.3 range and almost all of them transpose. I never see g6, and even g6 goes back to tiny white + in the most played line. By no means am I saying it’s a good move, definitely don’t play it if you’re trying to play to the best of your ability, but I like it for practical reasons, like for example I don’t play d4 much at all, and I don’t like playing against Scandi when I move e4 too much, so e3 solves that.

he has RGB stickers on his laptop? just skimmed but doesn’t seem like he is a real Trumper.

She’s a noobie, just one of like 850 district court judges, but slim experience and nothing distinguished in her credentials, no written work of any quality, not even crappy law review publications. I believe the ABA rated her “qualified” as opposed to “well qualified”.

Clerking for a district court judge is rarely a particularly prestigious deal, most of her applicants are probably grads from FL law schools, though it’s great experience for new lawyers and great on a “normal” resume. However, the path for, eg, supreme court clerks and solicitor generals office is typically to clerk for an appellate judge and then get recommended to one or more justices at the supreme court. Clerking for her is not a ticket anywhere beyond experience clerking for a district court judge in FL, which is a strong credential for new lawyer.

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He worked for Cruz. I think he had to bend the knee when Trump took over, but is probably salivating at the chance to get out from under him.

If I were a Trumper I’d be president of the RGB fan club. Thanks to her we have ACB. She should be a goddamn conservative hero.


He admit it

Some lawyer.

“He didn’t, you know, send in the tanks…” is a good campaign slogan