Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Just think what a guilty verdict would do.


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Nothing better to do on the way to the courthouse.


Travolta Trump



His defense is he is too stupid to understand he lost, despite being told this numerous times. If it were required to prove he wasn’t that stupid, Smith might as well give up now.


Pleasantly surprised no MAGA guys have done any mass shootings today.


Well, there are a few hours left of the day.

Whole lot of people ITT bringing up old, non-pertinent, personal information about NMW


Very smart to wait until summer break to bring these indichtments imo.



I had to step out for a while. Is this really the highlight?

Trump's response when asked his age by the magistrate judge: "Seven-seven"

— Hugo Lowell (@hugolowell) August 3, 2023

It’s pertinent when he is doing the same schtick that he has been permaed for over and over.

I think the highlight was when the judge warned that he could be remanded if he commits a crime or attempts to tamper with a juror. I don’t think judges usually deliver such admonishments to defendants as a matter of course

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Not only that, it appears he gone for a bongcloud.

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That was a highlight. The court will have needed to issue clear warnings before revoking his bail. I see this as step 1 of a process where the court regards bail revocation is a live option. I would have liked to see the judge order prison officials to confer with the secret service about confinement conditions so that can be worked out ahead of time, just in case.

The other notable thing was ordering briefing regarding trial date. That is never done this early. The court wants to lock in a trial date asap and will work very hard to make it stick.


IMHO any opening that attempts to swap King and Queen as quickly as possible falls in the category of bongcloud.

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I see endless delay tactics working in Florida and not working at all in DC.

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This judge is a career public defender. She knows all the tricks. Judge Cannon is literally a career nothing who lucked into a job at Gibson, Dunn and got a referral from Marco Rubio because of a purty smile. She had a completely undistinguished career without significant experience in any area of law.