Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


Closing arguments from the defense:




I feel like we need an in-depth study of why Mike Pence didnā€™t just go along with it all, like most on the right would have and wanted him to. What made him different from the grifters and MAGA nuts? This isnā€™t a rhetorical point Iā€™m genuinely fascinated. Any insights or texts?

To me it seems pretty straightforward, heā€™s pro establishment in the sense that he believes the basic tenets of the US political structure (as long as theyā€™re legally interpreted in a conservative way) and he wasnā€™t on board for burning it all down. What makes me wonder is why the hemming and hawing? You have someone who personally threatened you, sicked a mob on you, and you bleet out a few words months after he left office? He must know heā€™s never going to be President or anything else, and his own political survival depends on the Trump faction not gaining control over everything.


DeSantis is doing the same thing, hoping Trump flames out on his own so they can swoop in.

Somehow Pence has forgotten or I guess doesnā€™t believe that these people were literally prepared to hang him.


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I really hope this trial can be televised. Itā€™s the only way to cut thru all the ā€œBidenā€™s DoJā€ and ā€œpolitical prosecution of an opponentā€ crap. My favorite is, ā€œthis is unprecedentedā€ lmao. Well yeah, a United States president refusing a peaceful transfer of power is also unprecedented


Lock her up! Lock her up!

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Just after listening to a full reading of the indictment, I think it was also because he (and everyone else who said no) believed that even if they succeeded in that moment, it would incite a true second civil war. And that was in the best outcome. It wasnā€™t worth the fallout just to give Trump four more years/avoid four years of Biden.

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The Cacti are multiplying.

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Their overall strategy is working. Theyā€™re winning. They got what they wanted out of Trump. Why wreck the country for a guy they donā€™t even like? By they I mean self-righteous stuffed shirt conservatives like Pence and Barr and McConnell. I see Barr was just on CNN talking about his concern about the slippery slope of this indictment but he wants Trump to get got. So do Pence and the rest.

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Wait, wat? If successful, doesnā€™t that mean Trump is President?

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Really, the Cacti have been right all along, and the ah well nevertheless morons have been wrong. Spiking the ball in the first quarter is par for the course for that lot,

Heā€™s ready to cut Trump loose, but just in caseā€¦

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Nah, itā€™s underlearnt. Trump gets convicted and it results in untold chaos, death, and destabilization

Wtf opens with e3?