Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It’s all how you spin it, no?

For a normal person, failing at business repeatedly and filing bankruptcies would be an admission of fault/acceptance of blame. For arch narcissistists it’s just “reorganization”.

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and it manifest itself in that stupid face of his today, where he favors the lower jaw a little forward lmao. fuckin jackass cracker, body stacker

Ronal Reagan has been detained in Guantanamo since 1994


I mean future history books are gonna be written in Chinese right? Trust me, no American president is gonna come across as anything other than a bloodthirsty monster 100 years from now. Imagine the American empire as seen from the outside with the benefit of hindsight? Its nazi level shit.


Trump already didn’t “wiggle his way out of this one”. The hard part was getting him indicted. He’s going to face multiple juries with mountains of evidence.

It’s fun to crack jokes about how nothing is going to happen but the truth is he is almost certainly going to be found guilty for multiple charges in these cases.

This is nothing like not being found guilty for impeachment.


People wearing silly helmets protest again and the internet chatterati get overexcited.

Meanwhile the planet either burns or drowns depending which part you’re looking at, while the chatterati continue to guzzle and consume.

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I think it will be tough. From what you cited; (i) will almost certainly never apply and (ii) is going to be pretty hard - yeah he can claim lack of jurisdiction or something, but it’s pretty clear those are bad arguments, so he’s got to hope somehow appellate court decides to allow an interlocutory appeal on a completely frivolous issue.

And China’s leaders will?

Remember when saying “binders full of women” was a huge controversy for the GOP candidate.


Even today, drinking a glass of soy milk would be scandalous behavior for Mitt.

27 minutes okay okay

Almost two hours lol

Brewing the coffee and putting playback speed to x2

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With this and Sean Carroll going on for 4.5 hours about physics not being dead, I’m covered for a few day’s worth of walks.

The previous Prosecuting episode featured what had to be the most overdramatic publishing of a tweet ever. Good stuff.


Yupppp. Sean Carroll is so good every discussion. Also listening to new episodes of A Little Bit Culty. Run by two of the former members who defected from NXIVM. They interview other people who escaped cults. Latest episode is about a woman running a cult disguised as an acting class.



The Prosecuting Donald Trump episode is one of the hosts reading the entire indictment.

I’ve never heard a legal document written like this. The text and the performance sound like a monologue from A Few Good Men. The host is EXCELLENT at knowing what to emphasize so the legal reading makes sense as you listen.


The winners write the history. Like I’m sure uk history books during the height of empire were all about how much we helped those poor savages rather than brutally murdering half the world’s population and stealing all their shit.

Is China really “winning,” though? I’d put my money on Korea taking over the planet well before China.

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I listened to Velshi read the documents indictment. He’s good! Sounds weird but I’m looking forward to this one.

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It’s perfectly possible to make your point without the really dumb Godwin

Are we absolutely certain Mike Lee isn’t one of the co-conspirators

— Calvin Burke (@calvinjburke) August 2, 2023

Yeah, I have to say it’s a bit of a letdown.