Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

  1. there’s no way a jury finds him guilty of anything, even if there’s video

Does adding a defendant cause any delays?

Haven’t had a chance to really dig in, but my grunch is that in theory it doesn’t have to, but in practical reality it will add more potential witnesses,discovery, etc. and could therefore create some paths where the timeline slips.

Also, there was some discussion after the initial charges that Smith didn’t bring charges related to some Bedminster stuff in Florida b/c of a possible venue issue. If he’s trying to bring that stuff in now, I could see the courts having to deal with motions related to whether or not the stuff that happened in NJ should be tried there.

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Is this guy’s statement that “The boss” wants the tapes deleted admissible against Trump?

They have a witness, employee #4. Ianal, against Trump maybe not. But there’s this

Right, the Q is whether the DOJ can get around double hearsay.

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The witness statement wouldn’t be hearsay if used against De Oliveira, right? That’s him saying he is part of a conspiracy to obstruct justice and attempting to coerce employee #4 into taking part.

I take “listening in” to possibly mean wire tap or otherwise recorded, so not hearsay if used against Trump in that case. Maybe that’s too speculative.


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I just took the facts about the phone calls to mean DOJ has pulled the logs from the phone company. Not clear if that’s for Trump or just the other people involved.

Everyone knows that “the boss” is Hunter Biden. LOCK HIM UP!

I’m just assuming the Fox talking point will be “it’s ludicrous that anyone would assume Trump is ‘the boss’ they’re talking about, he’s very busy and important and is five levels above the underlings in these recordings, he’s probably never even spoken to them directly.”

Just read that De Oliveira’s phone was seized. But Andrew should know that. :man_shrugging:

Also now see De Oliveira referred to as the Mar a Lago property manager, which puts a slightly different light on it compared to maintenance guy.

If the lie does not quit, you must convict

If the lie does not quit, you must acquit

He was told that as long as he kept changing his job title no one would figure it out :grin:




(But not for lack of trying!)

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The extent to which Trump is actually just Eric Cartman is uncanny.


How much time should I spend on trying to figure out the connection between misuse of classified information and election fraud?

There is no way Trump is crafty enough to get Scott Tenorman to eat his parents.


If elected, is it possible for Congress to impeach and convict him before he is inaugurated so that he can’t pardon himself from jail?