Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Jack Smith seems like he might be Wendy Testaburger though.

No one fucks with Wendy Testaburger.

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I’m sure we are going to be seeing endless right wing tweets about “The big guy”, sorry, I mean “the Boss” ordering the server to be deleted.

the REAL question is whether THE BOSS ordered the server to be ACID BLEACHED

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When I watch movies on Tubi, I get ads that say “Trump did a few good things, sure, but his time is up. If he’s the nominee, we will lose to Joe Biden.”

I’m curious whether the intensity of them will increase :popcorn:


It seems like the superceeding indictment precludes bringing the additional charge in NJ? I haven’t heard anyone talk about it. If so, that puts the documents case entirely in the hands of this one judge. Which is, well, not good.

Trump Podcaster REALIZES HE’S IN A CULT during LIVE Show


I was surprised no one seems to be mentioning this either. My guess is that the evidence is so overwhelming and damming that it doesn’t much matter who the judge is. And with J6 around the corner he is so totally fucked and outmatched that he’s got a better shot getting out of this by choking to death on a Big Mac than thru any legal means


Jesus sorry people. I guess I don’t know how to post a screenshot OR a tweet

Edit: I mean X

I go with
Excreting = tweeting
Excrement = tweet


I thought the NJ charges were a backup in case the FL judges gets frisky?

So did I. :man_shrugging:


I feel like we as a society have done maybe 25% of Trumpian political theory and analysis. I think we need some kind of cultural reckoning akin to post-WWII Germany that lasts for 50 years or more. It’s sad that there are so many professional political scientists and political theorists in the world but I’ve yet to read a really good analysis Trump as a political phenomenon.

I think a good place to start would be an analysis of information “accessible” to the average Trump voter, and how their pea brains work off simple models of the world based on emotional needs and unchallenged by reliable information. Of course, such an analysis would apply generally, but the Trump phenomenon has to be a great case study, where there is tons of data.


This is exactly right.

Maybe it goes without saying, but part of the Trump phenomenon is that the USA#1 has always had a lot of conservative people. “America First” goes back to Wilson. Jim Crow, Father Coughlin, Birchers, Goldwater, Reagan…there’s always been a target rich environment for conservative, racist political ideas.