Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It’s publicity at a time when publicity is a good thing.

I’m not sure exactly how this plays out, but this fucker runs hotter than the sun, so it probably helps somehow.


I love how everyone acts like all he’s gotta do is get past some arbitrary deadline at which point he brushes aside 100+ felony counts in no less than 4 different venues, becomes president again, and lives happily ever after


Fuck him. Let the slob run. No way he wins.


While I am on team cactus now. Let’s not forget that’s exactly what this guy has done for like 80 years and it’s still likely to be the outcome of all of this as well.

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That was Caesar’s plan, more or less.

Dude’s been running like Jamie Gold at the 2006 WSOP ME for his entire life. If he runs, he wins.

this is just empirically false

legally,sure he’s run very good but not THAT much better than replacement rich white asshole

politically he had one epic runner-runner suckout and since then it’s been L after L.


Trump left Ashville NC after likely visiting with coconspirator Mark Meadows about something he couldn't say on the phone and then flew back to NJ and then to West Palm. Likely had forgotten his documents.

— Tim Hogan 浩勤 (@TimInHonolulu) July 22, 2023

Even a perfect phone call wouldn’t do?

In watching Trump these past 8 years, I’ve been truly amazed at just how far empty bluster can take someone politically, in life, and with civil matters. But that shit all stops when you’re dealing with criminal prosecutors. You’re not going to intimidate or overwhelm them with gish gallop. Flooding the zone with bullshit doesn’t work (even while it continues to be very effective with MSM pundits and the general public). Smith, Willis, and Bragg will continue to slowly, silently, and methodically tighten the noose. He’s done

Trump got away with crimes before being elected because white collar crimes are ignored more than any crimes. He was also on a reality show that was total fiction.

He got away with crimes as the president because he was protected by the GOP and was also able to offer pardons to the people who could testify against him.

Since getting out of office his company has been found guilty on 17 counts including criminal tax fraud, conspiracy and falsifying business records, he was found liable of sexual assault and defamation.

His lawyers are clowns and he’s an idiot. He’s likely being found guilty on multiple counts.

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Anyone want to listen and tell me how this sounds?

Seems like a distinct possibility that we will learn today that the Trump defense team has presented appeal to DOJ re the 1/6 charges; and then upon the rejection of that appeal, Jack Smith will seek the indictment tomorrow or Thursday at the latest in DC.

— Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads)🌻 (@AWeissmann_) July 24, 2023

Context: Trump sent fundraising email crying about losing his freedom and learning about it from leaks to the media.

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“as early as” LFG

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Is that Trump thinking about his upcoming jail time?

Because he’s got an awfully long face.


Just some light treason



Seems like everyone Bannon knows gets arrested and does time. His last minute pardon from Trump is really doing solid work.

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Narrator: Trump did not take the stand